Supporting the Revitalization of Monju, Bandung City Government Organizes the Surrounding Area


Tuesday, January 2, 2024


Diskominfo Kota Bandung


Diskominfo Kota Bandung

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - As an effort to support the revitalization of the West Java People's Struggle Monument (Monju) by the West Java Provincial Government, the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) will organize the area.

This includes arranging parking lots and street vendors (PKL) around the area. Especially on Saturdays and Sundays.

This was said by the Bandung City Regional Secretariat (Sekda) and Chair of the PKL Task Force in Bandung City, Ema Sumarna, when visiting the Struggle Monument area, Sunday (31/12/2023).

Regarding parking, Ema plans to prepare parking locations for two-wheeled vehicles on Saturday and Sunday. This is because on Saturdays and Sundays many people want to exercise in Gasibu.

So, continued Ema, there will be no more vehicles parked on Jalan Aryajipang

"As long as the vehicles are two-wheeled, I will propose to the mayor that on Saturdays and Sundays they are allowed to park in special areas," he said.

Ema explained that Jalan Sentot Alibasyah must also be clear of vehicle parking. This includes along the road descending from the Pasopati flyover.

"We will install a barrier at the U Turn or U Turn on Jalan Sentot Alibasyah. We will close it so as not to disrupt traffic flow. It turns out that to the north of Monju it is still very wide. Never mind two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles, it is still spacious, even in the future we will relocate the street vendors "That's where Teuku Umar went," he said.

Ema considers the area north of Monju to be very representative.

“So if there are street vendors and weekly parking there. "We are pushing it to the north, which is very representative," he said

Meanwhile, for the four wheels, Ema will submit a request to the Governor of West Java so that the parking area at Gedung Sate can be used on Saturdays and Sundays.

"The concept is, four wheels in Gedung Sate, two wheels in the neighboring Majapahit area and the other one must be free, but that's for Saturdays and Sundays. So there is a solution which of course we all commit to and agree on. "I'm sure it will be much more orderly," he said. (Diskominfo Bandung City/UPI)

Editor: Upi

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