DWP Bogor Regency Supports the Realization of Golden Indonesia 2045


Friday, December 8, 2023


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. BOGOR - Dharma Wanita Pertama (DWP) Bogor Regency supports the performance of Bogor Regency Regional Government (Pemdakab) officials as a driving force for development so that they can achieve the vision of a Golden Indonesia in 2045.

This was said by Assistant for Government and People's Welfare (Aspemkesra) Zainal Ashari when representing the Regent of Bogor at the peak event commemorating the 24th DWP Anniversary (HUT) at the Bogor Regency level in 2023, at the Regional Secretariat Auditorium Building, Bogor Regency, Thursday (7/ 12/2023).

Zainal said that the Indonesian government had launched the Golden Indonesia vision, namely Indonesia's goal to become a developed country by 2045, therefore, dharma women are not only companions for their husbands.

"But at the same time supporting the performance of government officials as the driving force of development so that they are able to achieve the vision of a Golden Indonesia and together determine the quality of family resilience as the foundation of life in society, nation and state," he said.

Zainal explained that the momentum of this commemoration should be a call for Dharma WanitaSatu as one of the largest women's organizations in Indonesia, to increase its strategic role in efforts to achieve sustainable development goals.

"By strengthening partnerships and collaboration with pentahelix elements, in activities that are in line with national development policies and the vision and mission of regional governments," he said.

He added, on behalf of the Bogor District Government, he appreciates DWP's support and contribution to government programs through assistance with education costs, social services, participation in Posyandu activities in the context of handling stunting, socialization of clean and healthy lifestyles, environmental preservation, digital literacy, and so on.

"Also, thank you to the DWP mothers who always create comfort, health and harmony in the household so that they help build family resilience and maintain the productivity and performance of ASNs in carrying out their duties of service to the country and society," he said.

Chairperson of the Bogor Regency DWP, Nurhayati, appreciated all parties who have supported the Bogor Regency DWP, so that the existing activity program can run according to expectations. In the future, collaboration to strengthen, support and support each other must continue to be carried out and improved in order to get maximum results.

"On this occasion we give awards to members who excel and those who have helped the Bogor Regency DWP. "I hope that the DWP of Bogor Regency in the future will be even more powerful and active in contributing to development in Bogor Regency," he said.

Furthermore, conveying the mandate of the Chair of the Central DWP, Nurhayati said, as pillars of development, women administrators and members of the DWP are an extraordinary force in building families, communities and the nation. Together we always make meaningful contributions in various fields, from education, economics, to social culture.

"I would like to thank every individual who continues to play an active role, support and dedicate their dedication to the sustainability and achievements of DWP. "Hopefully we will always be united in togetherness and mutual cooperation to build our family, environment and nation towards a Golden Indonesia," he said.

Also present were representatives of the Bogor Regency TP-PKK, the Chair of the Bogor Regency IWAPI, the Regional Hospital Directors, Heads of Regional Apparatus, sub-district heads and figures and leaders of women's organizations in Bogor Regency. (Diskominfo Bogor Regency/UPI)

Editor: Upi

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