PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The Asia Africa Festival will once again greet Bandung residents and tourists on 6-7 July 2024. A number of exciting agendas will be present along Jalan Asia Afrika, Bandung City.
In the Finalization Meeting for Preparations for the 2024 Asian African Festival, the Bandung City Government has planned these two days as a party for Bandung residents, as well as Asian and African residents.
Titled Asia Africa Corner 2024, this activity will open on Saturday, July 6 2024. A number of events will also be held starting from Cultural Dance or Similar and Perform Asia Africa Corner Main Artist.
Then on Sunday, July 7 2024, there will be even more excitement. Starting from local community performances, artistic performances, and other series towards the closing of the Asian African Festival.
Apart from that, there will also be an exhibition featuring 40 tenants in the SME category from 17 creative economy sub-sector actors curated by the Bandung City Disbudpar and Tokopedia team.
Then, there will be 20 festival categories, 10 beauty and FNB. All 2024 Asia Africa Festival events will be held on Jalan Braga Short, Bandung City.
The 2024 Asia Africa Festival will involve a number of participants from the national level, to the Asian and African continents.
On a national scale, there are Kutai Kartanegara Regency, Palangkaraya City, Bandung Regency, Karawang Regency, and Semarang City.
Then there were foreign envoys who attended, including from: Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, South Africa, Kenya, Papua New Guinea, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Jordan, Kuwait, Sri Lanka, Yemen, Mozambique, India, Japan, Pakistan, Algeria, Malaysia, United Emirates Arabia, Singapore, Philippines, Iran, Sudan, Tanzania and Iraq.
At the Coordination Meeting, the Acting Mayor of Bandung, Bambang Tirtoyuliono, also requested that all OPDs work together to prepare for the 2024 Asia Africa Festival to be held lively.
"We ask all OPDs to work hand in hand, also with regional officials. "We will continue to monitor developments, and by July 3 2024, everything must be ready," said Bambang.
For further information regarding the 2024 Asian African Festival, you can update it via the Instagram pages @disbudpar.bdg and @humas_bandung. (Diskominfo Bandung City/Fauziah)