Governor Dedi Mulyadi Invites Regents and Mayors to Synergize to Build West Java through Jabar Ngariung


Friday, March 14, 2025


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor

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PORTALJABAR, BOGOR CITY - West Java Governor Dedi Mulyadi, invited all Bogor Regents and Regents and Mayors throughout West Java to synergize in regional development through the Jabar Ngariung activity which took place at the Bogor Regency Secretariat Auditorium, Thursday (13/3/2025).

This activity aims to strengthen coordination between regional governments in facing various development challenges in West Java.

KDM - Dedi Mulyadi's nickname - revealed several major problems currently being faced by West Java, including poverty, the development of public schools, and the management of the Family Hope Program (PKH) which is based on the performance of the community being assisted.

In addition, KDM also said that he had met with the Minister of Health to discuss post-flood handling and mitigation of health impacts that often arise after flood disasters, such as developing diseases, stunting rates, diabetes, kidney failure, hypertension, and high maternal and child mortality.

"All of these series must be arranged in a very adequate performance framework, so that West Java can achieve optimal development goals," he said.

KDM also emphasized the importance of the role of Bogor Regency in the history and development of West Java.

According to him, Bogor is the historical center of the Sunda Kingdom, and anyone who does good in Bogor will have a positive impact on other areas. Therefore, Bogor will be used as the center for various development and environmental rehabilitation activities in West Java.

Furthermore, KDM explained the important steps being taken by the West Java Provincial Government to address environmental issues, one of which is through an evaluation of the moratorium related to the Governor's regulation prohibiting the conversion of forest land, plantations, and other important lands.

The moratorium has been verified by the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Ministry of Housing and Settlements will soon issue similar permits.

Another plan is to free up river lands that are currently controlled by individuals or certain parties, and divert them for the benefit of the state and the community. This is part of the synergy with the Ministry of ATR and the Ministry of Public Works (PU) which will accelerate the process.

"West Java has worked in an orchestrated manner with the Ministers, including the Minister of Public Works. We hope this can provide goodness to the community, both in terms of waste management and environmental management," he said.

KDM also explained the reforestation and river normalization plans that will be carried out in several river basins in West Java. According to him, the reforestation concept includes river normalization, increasing the depth and widening of rivers, and planting endemic trees that are in accordance with the characteristics of the area.

"This coordinated development is expected to improve the welfare of the people of West Java comprehensively and sustainably, and make West Java a more advanced and environmentally friendly province," said KDM.

Editor: (Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor/UPI)

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