Today is a total lunar eclipse, here are the prayer procedures


Sunday, October 29, 2023


Diskominfo Bandung


Diskominfo Bandung

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The Bandung City Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) appealed to the people of Bandung City to prepare for total lunar eclipse prayers on October 29 2023 between 02.35-05.28 WIB.

In its statement, the Bandung City MUI explained that the eclipse started at 02:35 WIB. Then the peak is at 03:14 WIB. Then the lunar eclipse will end at 05:28 WIB.

"So for that reason we ask the ulama, mubhaligh, dai, khatib and asatidz to provide counseling to all Muslims and initiate
"holding lunar eclipse prayers," said the General Chairperson of the Bandung City MUI, Miftah Faridl in a circular.

A lunar eclipse is a natural event as proof of the power and majesty of Allah SWT. With the eclipse, it is hoped that people will try to further increase their faith, piety and worship of Allah Rabbul 'alamin.

"Avoid the habit of welcoming the eclipse with superstition and actions that lead to shirk, such as telling fortunes, hitting drums, performing sasajen and others," he said.

Some guidelines for preparing and holding congregational lunar eclipse prayers include the following:
a. Perform ablution, intend in your heart to pray for the lunar eclipse.
b. The eclipse prayer is performed in 2 rak'ahs
c. In the first rak'ah of takbiratul ihrom, read the iftitah prayer, read Surah Al-Fatihah (ending with amen), read a rather long letter from the Koran, bow down and stand up.

Then read the letter Al-Fatihah (ending amen), read a rather short letter from the Koran, bow down, prostrate, sit between two prostrations and prostrate, and. stand up for the second rak'ah.

d. In the second rak'ah read Surah Al-Fatihah (ending amen), read a rather short letter from the Koran, bow down and stand up. Then read the letter Al-Fatihah (ending amen), read a rather short letter from the Koran, bow 'itidal, prostrate, sit between two prostrations and prostrate. Then sit down to read the final tahiyat prayer, then greet.

"After carrying out the lunar eclipse prayer, continue listening to the sermon. Bertaqorrub in the presence of Allah SWT, asking for the eclipse to pass without causing disaster while saying the sentences of istigfar, tasbih, tahmid, tahlil, takbir and praying for the safety, welfare of the Indonesian state and nation," he explained.

It is also recommended to give alms and carry out other charities.

Editor: (Diskominfo Kota Bandung/Fauziah Ismi)

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