PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The Bandung City National Zakat Amil Agency (Baznas) together with the Talent Preuneur Community held a Zakat Literacy event among Early Childhood, Saturday (11/11/2023). This activity is filled with coloring competitions for young children and educational fairy tales.
Chief Event Organizer, Marliana Dewi Sopani, said that this event was held to commemorate Heroes' Day.
"This early childhood coloring competition event was held to commemorate Heroes' Day, November 10 2023, which was attended by 115 early childhood participants in Bandung City," he said.
"The theme of this competition is heroes, because heroes are people who like to share. "Apart from that, we chose this theme because we hope to imagine that awareness of alms from an early age will foster a sense of wanting to share without discriminating," he added.
Deputy Chairman I of the Bandung City Baznas, Arif Nurrakhman, said that this activity, organized by friends from the Talent Preuneur Community, had a very good impact.
"Thank God, today's activity was organized by the Talent Preuneur Community, which is a product of Baznas scholarship student training. "We should be grateful that through the management of these zakat funds the impact has been extraordinary," he said.
"Through this we will continue to educate, build zakat literacy from an early age, and introduce children that giving alms creates happiness," he said. (rdp*)