PORTALJABAR, BOGOR REGENCY - West Java is targeted to have 30 People's Schools, a program of the Ministry of Social Affairs for extremely poor students and those living in the interior.
The People's School in West Java will be built in stages. Later, students from extremely poor families will study and be boarded for free, because the costs are borne by the Central Government.
Governor Dedi Mulyadi welcomed the establishment of 30 People's Schools in West Java. "I welcome these People's Schools," said Dedi Mulyadi after the Coordination Meeting and Socialization of the Establishment of People's Schools with the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs, at the Bogor Regency Government office, Thursday (13/3/2025).
According to the Governor, the 30 People's Schools start from elementary, junior high, and senior high school levels. The locations will be divided proportionally in districts and cities. Each school has a quota of 300 - 500 students. Meanwhile, the curriculum will be the same as the provisions of the Ministry of Elementary and Secondary Education.
In order to be in sync with the region, said Dedi, the People's School can adopt local rules such as starting school earlier, which is currently being prepared by the West Java Provincial Government.
The rule of starting school earlier aims to discipline students and prevent the culture of hanging out after school hours, especially by high school students, which has the potential to lead to juvenile delinquency such as brawls and speeding.
Early school can also create a new culture, namely sleeping early and waking up early. "From the culture of hanging out until 12 midnight to the culture of sleeping at 9 pm," he said.
The coordination and dissemination meeting of the People's School was led directly by the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf and attended by the Regents and Mayors throughout West Java.
Gus Ipul -- Saifullah Yusuf's nickname -- revealed that the Ministry is currently intensively conducting socialization with regents and mayors. He asked regional heads who have assets and land to propose them to become People's Schools.
"We will check which ones meet the criteria, God willing, if possible, they will be built this year," he said.
Gus Ipul said, the target of the People's School is prioritized for those from poor families and domiciled near the People's School. The poverty indicator will be determined based on the National Socio-Economic Single Data (DTSEN).
"The poor people in decile one were around there before," he said.
The People's School will have a dormitory concept. So, if the child is still in elementary school, then the parents can visit them at any time.
"The government ensures that this school is free. Starting from dormitories, clothes, school equipment, and other necessities will be covered by the state," said Gus Ipul.