PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - West Java carries the theme of equitable development in the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) 2025 - 2030.
This was revealed in the Public Consultation Forum for the Preparation of the West Java Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) for 2025, at the Trans Luxury Hotel Bandung, Wednesday (24/1/2024).
Acting West Java Regional Secretary Taufiq Budi Santoso revealed that based on several studies, there are a number of global and national issues that need to be considered with careful preparation.
"Starting from planning, we can take advantage of opportunities and overcome these challenges, so that we can support economic growth, equitable development, and also improve community welfare, which is part of the development planning that we will implement together," said Taufiq Budi Santoso.
Taufiq said that 2025 is the first year of implementation of the 2025 - 2030 RPJMD and is the initial year to build the foundation which is expected to accelerate the realization of Golden Indonesia 2045.
Several issues that should be paid attention to in 2025 include from a planning perspective, the documents used as guidelines for preparing the RKPD and 2025 Work Plan refer to the Regional Development Plan (RPD) 2024 - 2026 (transition period).
The next issue is that in 2025 Law Number 1 of 2022 concerning Government and Regional Financial Relations will begin to be implemented. According to Taufiq, this will affect provincial, district and city funding schemes in West Java.
"Then in 2025 there will be further steps to the 2024 elections including regional elections, then there will be good government at the center, provinces, districts/cities as a result of the elections/pilkada," said Taufiq.
"Then in 2025 it is estimated that the West Java economy will grow in a quality manner and this will also be influenced by national and global conditions," he added.
So, economic challenges must be answered as best as possible. As well as maintaining economic stability, keeping inflation in the range of 2-3 percent.
"Thank God, in 2023 we can control (inflation) at 2.48 percent," he said.
Then increase economic growth in the range of 5-6 percent, and also how to build technology-based digitalization of the economy and industry.
Don't be left behind, connectivity development also needs to continue to be encouraged. Apart from that, food stability needs to be maintained on an ongoing basis. In line with this, it is also necessary to ensure environmentally sound development. So skilled labor is also needed to fill the various existing economic activities.
Not only that, collaborative steps are still the key to development in West Java. Pentahelix-wise, development in West Java needs to at least involve elements of academia, business, community, government and the media in order to provide a conducive development climate.
Head of West Java Bappeda, Iendra Sofyan, explained that based on Gubernatorial Regulation Number 25 of 2023, there are six priorities for West Java development in 2025.
The first priority is economic growth based on increasing the capacity of MSMEs, farmers, fishermen and aquaculture to open up as many job opportunities as possible.
"The second priority is reforming the education system, promoting culture, religious education and religious life," said Iendra.
The third priority, strengthening the regional health system. Then the fourth priority, namely strengthening the social protection system and disaster risk management preparedness.
The fifth priority is the development of regional connectivity infrastructure and environmental management as well as the community building movement.
The sixth priority is public service innovation, regional planning and political, legal, human rights and security stabilization.
"2025 is still a transition period so that development cannot be separated from previous programs, also referring to the 2005-2025 RPJPD, which we will evaluate and restructure through the 2025-2045 RPJPD which must be completed this August, according to the Minister's instructions," he said .
West Java DPRD member Yod Mintaraga appreciated the Public Consultation Forum which was held because it gave the public the opportunity to be involved in every policy decision that would be taken.
"Because no matter how a policy aims for the common good, this public consultation is in accordance with the mandate of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 86 of 2017," said Yod.
"As part of the government in West Java, we also have the desire that the preparation of the 2025 Work Plan related to the 2025 - 2045 RPJPD be carried out more carefully, integrated and able to answer the problems and challenges faced by the government and society," explained Yod.
He also revealed that community participation is an important element in realizing strategic planning. Moreover, according to him, the success of regional development is a collective work of the role of government and all elements of society from all levels.