Jalan Simpang Gedebage Selatan Towards Al-Jabbar Grand Mosque Officially Functions


Thursday, May 16, 2024


Diskominfo Kota Bandung


Diskominfo Kota Bandung

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Acting (Pj.) Governor of West Java together with Acting. Mayor of Bandung, Bambang Tirtoyuliono, inaugurated Jalan Simpang Gedebage Selatan towards Al-Jabbar Grand Mosque, Thursday (16/5/2024)

The inauguration of this road is a collaboration between the Bandung City Regional Government and Summarecon, the Provincial Government, the River Region Center (BBWS), supported by the National Land Agency Office (BPN). This road is expected to reduce traffic jams in the East Bandung area, especially Gedebage.

This road connects Jalan Gedebage Selatan to the Al Jabbar Mosque and to several other destinations such as Summarecon Mall, Gelora Bandung Lautan Api Stadium (GBLA) to Tegalluar High Speed Train Station.

Acting Mayor of Bandung, Bambang Tirtoyuliono, said that the Bandung City Government has big plans to develop the eastern area of Bandung City, one of which is by building more adequate road access.

He said, with the public's high interest towards several destinations in the Gedebage area, good road access is needed so that there is no accumulation of vehicles.

"The inauguration of access to the Al Jabbar Grand Mosque area is important because the public's enthusiasm for going there is extraordinary. Then we also have Tegalluar and there is also a new trade center in Summarecon," said Bambang.

He hopes that the functioning of this new road access can improve the economy and happiness index of the people of Bandung City.

"Hopefully, with the inauguration of access to Al Jabbar or to several activity centers in East Bandung, the community happiness index can increase," he said.

Meanwhile, in his speech, the Acting Governor of West Java, Bey Machmudin, said that the presence of road access to the Al Jabbar Grand Mosque could reduce traffic jams in the Gedebage area.

The presence of various destinations in Gedebage, on the one hand, creates new economic growth and can become the center of growth for the new city of Bandung in the east.

"I appreciate the real form of collaboration between the Bandung City Government and the property company Summarecon. Thank you for efforts like this and of course we hope that there are other places where there can be synergy," he said.

He reminded that the new road access must be well maintained. Bey said that there should be no street vendors selling on the street because it could cause disorder.

"If there is a market spill or later, for example on Sunday, someone tries to sell, please give them understanding," he said. (Diskominfo Bandung City/Revo)

Editor: Revo

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