Garut Regency Decides to End Drought Recovery Transition Period


Friday, December 1, 2023


Diskominfo Garut


Diskominfo Garut

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - After lasting for a month, the transition period for recovery from the two drought disasters in Garut Regency officially ends on November 30 2023.

This decision was announced by the Chief Executive of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Garut Regency, Aah Anwar Saepuloh, after attending a virtual Drought Disaster Management Evaluation Meeting (30/11/2023), chaired by the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Garut Regency, ex officio Head BPBD, Nurdin Yana.

"It was decided earlier, led by the Regional Secretary, that the transition period for recovery from drought disasters has ended and will not be continued, so it is finished today and there is no longer a transition period for drought disasters," said Aah, at the Garut Regency BPBD office, Jalan Jalan Pahlawan Garut .

The transition period was stopped, Aah added, because there was no longer any demand for clean supplies in line with the rain which had now begun to spread evenly in several areas.

Aah also revealed that the protection of development infrastructure, especially for the provision of clean water, the provision of drilled wells or the installation of piping for house connections has also been completed by the Garut Regency Public Works Spatial Planning Service (PUPR).

"And we also have assistance from BNPB regarding ready-to-use funds, which have already been implemented and completed during this second recovery transition period," he explained.

Aah emphasized that there is no longer a threat of drought disaster for 2023 after all recovery measures have been taken. However, citing the regional secretary's directions and messages, including the importance of data synchronization, administrative order in accountability, and BPBD recommendations for drought mitigation in 2024, where there are several proposals for developing clean water infrastructure, which PUPR hopes to follow up on.

"So that yesterday's points or locations where the drought occurred do not happen again in 2024, although not all of them are due to budget limitations, but some of the recommendations can be followed up," he concluded.

Based on data from the Garut Regency BPBD, the Garut Regency Drought Disaster Management Team has distributed 2,735,000 liters of water, spread across 27 sub-districts in Garut Regency.

Even though in the decree only 19 sub-districts were designated as emergency locations experiencing drought, the Garut Regency Drought Disaster Management team also provided clean water supplies to 8 other sub-districts in Garut Regency. This is done in accordance with existing demand in the region.

Editor: (Diskominfo Garut/Fauziah Ismi)

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