PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The Bandung City National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) presents a gift for the 214th Anniversary of the City of Bandung (HJKB), a brilliant achievement, namely General Champion at the 2024 West Java BAZNAS Award.
The 2024 West Java BAZNAS Award was attended directly by the Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin and the Chairman of BAZNAS RI KH Noor Achmad which was held at the Grand Sunshine Resort & Convention, Bandung Regency, Wednesday (10/7/2024).
In the 2024 West Java BAZNAS Award, Bandung City was announced as the winner of 7 of the 18 categories being contested, making it the overall champion.
List of Bandung City BAZNAS Awards at the 2024 BAZNAS Jabar Award:
1. Winner of Best Simba Report
2. Champion of Best Institutional Management
3. Nominee for Best Supervision Function
4. Nominee for Best HR Management
5. Nominee for Best Administrative and Secretarial Management
6. Nominee for Best Public Relations and Branding
7. Nominee for Best IZN Value
On this occasion, Chairman of BAZNAS Bandung City Akhmad Roziqin expressed his gratitude for the award he had received.
"Of course we are very grateful for this award," he said.
This award was also presented to the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) for its extraordinary support, including regulatory support in the form of the Mayor's instructions for paying zakat from ASN members.
"Therefore, BAZNAS Bandung City on this occasion would like to express its deepest gratitude to the Bandung City Government for its extraordinary support, as well as as a gift for the 214th HJKB," he said.
With this appreciation, it is hoped that BAZNAS Bandung City can make a better contribution to the City of Bandung.
"This award is a motivation for BAZNAS Bandung City to continue to improve the performance of zakat management so that it is more trustworthy, professional and accountable, as well as providing maximum benefits for the citizens of Bandung City," he said.
This award shows the dedication and hard work of BAZNAS Bandung City in managing zakat and providing the best service for the community.
"Hopefully this achievement will be an inspiration for other zakat institutions to continue to innovate and make positive contributions to society," he said.