PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Bandung City has become a culinary tourism destination and is a target for tourists.
The Bandung City Government continues to strive to provide comfort, security, cleanliness and order in the city. One of them is through organizing and coaching Street Vendors (PKL).
Regulations regarding the arrangement and guidance of street vendors are explained in Bandung City Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 4 of 2011 concerning the Arrangement and Development of Street Vendors.
Article 20 explains that street vendors are prohibited from carrying out trading activities in red zones, roads, sidewalks, green open spaces and public facilities, unless these locations have been determined/appointed/permitted by the Mayor.
Then these regulations were clarified in Mayor's Regulation number 888 of 2012 which was then changed to Mayor's Regulation Number 32 of 2019 concerning the Second Amendment to Bandung Mayor's Regulation Number 888 of 2012.
In Article 7, it is explained that the locations of street vendors are divided into three zones, namely red for those where there are no street vendors, the yellow zone for locations that can close and open based on time and place, and the green zone where street vendors are allowed to trade.
The Red Zone for street vendors in Bandung City, in Article 8, states that it is the area around places of worship, hospitals, military complexes, national roads, provincial roads and other places that have been determined in statutory regulations unless otherwise determined based on Regional Regulations and Guardian Regulations. City.
Then in Article 11 there are other places determined according to Regional Regulations and Perwal. The red zone also includes 7 point locations such as around the official residences of Provincial Government and Regional Government officials, school locations, certain locations and roads, as well as road intersections with a distance of 100 meters from the intersection point, road locations designated as Car Free Day (CFD), and protected areas.
In Article 12 it is explained that the locations of the 7 points are:
a. Around Bandung Grand Square and Mosque;
b. Jalan Dalem Kaum;
c. Jalan Kepatihan;
d. Asia Africa Road;
e. Jalan Dewi Sartika;
f. Jalan Otto Iskandardinata; And
g. Freedom Road.
Meanwhile, the Yellow Zone is explained in Article 17. The yellow zone is all markets in the region, so street vendors are only allowed to trade at certain hours, namely from 22.00-06.00 WIB. Apart from that, it is also open from 17.00-04.00 WIB for the market for culinary traders.
Then, especially on Sundays, trading time is limited from 04.00 WIB to 10.00 WIB.
There are 26 special locations for Sundays which are Yellow Zones according to Article 21
Mayor Regulation Number 32 of 2019 concerning Second Amendment to Bandung Mayor Regulation Number 888 of 2012
Then, specifically for various commodities, trading time is limited from 10.00 WIB to 18.00 WIB. There are at least 267 special location points for various commodities which are the yellow zone for street vendors in Bandung City according to Article 22 of Mayor Regulation Number 32 of 2019 concerning the Second Amendment to Bandung Mayor Regulation Number 888 of 2012.
Meanwhile, the yellow zone is based on location, namely Regional Government offices that are no longer in use, in front of malls and around sports fields which are designated as Non-Green Open Space. Trading time in front of the mall is limited from 10.00-22.00 WIB.
Meanwhile, Article 23 explains the green zone points. This zone is determined based on the results of relocation, market revitalization, thematic shopping concept, festival concept and Pujasera concept in accordance with statutory provisions.
Trading locations for street vendors included in the green zone consist of 61 points. With this food court concept, one of them includes the Bandung City Square Basement.
Several locations that are included in the Green Zone include Jalan Dr. Rajiman, Jalan Dr. Rum, Jalan Arjuna, Jalan Purwakarta, Antapani Lama, Jalan Taman Holis Indah, Jalan Gelap Nyawang, Lebak Siliwangi Village, Jalan Taman Cibeunying Selatan, Cihapit Village, Jalan Anggrek, Jalan Lombok, Jalan Cikutra, and Jalan Arjuna.
Complete regulations regarding the Arrangement and Development of Street Vendors can be accessed via the page https://jdih.bandung.go.id/ .