PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) and the community together must maintain and create a conducive situation in welcoming the 2024 election democratic party in West Java, especially Bandung City.
Therefore, collaboration and joint commitment from all elements of society are very necessary so that elections can take place safely, peacefully, peacefully and with quality.
This was stated by the Regional Secretary for the City of Bandung, Ema Sumarna after attending the West Java Peace Declaration of Safe, Neutral, Calm (Jabar Anteng) at the Merdeka Building, Saturday (18/11/2023).
"Peace is a necessity. Earlier with the West Java slogan Anteng, (safe, neutral, calm) this is everyone's hope," he said.
Ema said that differences in choices were a normal thing in a democratic party. However, he hopes that the implementation will run safely, comfortably and peacefully.
"In elections there may be different choices, diversity is a gift, including differences in choices. In the end, it will still stick together. "For this reason, its implementation must be safe, comfortable and peaceful," he said.
On this occasion, the West Java Provincial Government together with West Java Forkopimda, City/Regency Governments throughout West Java, Heads of OPD in West Java Province, Regional Secretaries and Heads of Kesbangpol throughout West Java, ASN together with the community declared the West Java Anteng movement to strengthen commitment to jointly realizing a peaceful 2024 General Election and Pilkada.
There are three important points in the West Java Anteng declaration, first, the government and people of West Java support the implementation of the 2024 General Election which is direct, public, free, secret, as well as honest and fair (Jurdil).
Second, the government and people of West Java want the 2024 elections to take place in a safe, neutral, calm atmosphere and not be influenced by hoaxes.
And thirdly, it is happening to all ASN, TNI, Polri in West Java to declare neutrality and not take sides in the 2024 Election.
Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin said, as the province with the largest number of voters in Indonesia, West Java must hold elections that can run safely and peacefully.
"We are here to declare West Java Anteng, this declaration is a commitment from all elements of the Regional Government, ASN, TNI, Polri in West Java, as well as the commitment of big figures from West Java who represent the people of West Java," he said.
"We want the election process to run safely and peacefully so as to produce quality elections," he added.
Neutrality, continued Bey, is an important element, especially for state administrators such as ASN, TNI and Polri. He also guaranteed that all state administrators in West Java would declare neutrality in the 2024 elections.
"We guarantee that ASN, TNI and Polri in West Java declare neutrality in the 2024 elections. Hopefully this will become history, our shared commitment to maintain the integrity and togetherness of the nation," he said. (rdp*)