PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The Bandung City Regional Government is targeting the stunting prevalence rate in 2024 to be 14 percent. This was conveyed by the Acting Mayor of Bandung in the Stunting data Measurement and Publication activity (16/11/2023).
Meanwhile, in 2023, the Bandung City Government is pursuing a stunting prevalence target of 17 percent.
Bambang said there were four points that needed to be paid attention to as subjects for strengthening the handling of stunting, including education for teenagers/girls, education for pregnant women, education for prospective brides, and education for mothers giving birth.
"This is a form of the Bandung City Government's seriousness in efforts to reduce stunting rates," said Bambang.
Apart from that, Bambang also advised regional organizations that work closely with the aim of reducing stunting rates to increase collaboration.
According to Bambang, handling stunting in Bandung City must be based on collaboration.
“Various agencies, task forces, cadres at Posyandu must collaborate with each other. Apart from that, the Bandung City Government already has a good system. "So, let's maximize this existing potential," he said.
According to him, the target of reducing stunting rates is in line with the government's efforts to present a great generation in the era of Golden Indonesia 2045.
"We must prepare the next generation for development as a national target of 2045. There must be no new stunting, especially in the city of Bandung," he said.
For information, the prevalence rate of stunting in Bandung City continues to decline. In 2020, the stunting rate in Bandung City was 28.12 percent.
Furthermore, in 2021, the stunting rate in Bandung City will be 26.4 percent. Meanwhile, in 2022, the stunting rate in Bandung City will be 19.4 percent.