The City of Bandung Has a New Super Hero 'Shining Knight', Ready to Become an Anti-Drug Hero


Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Diskominfo Bandung


Diskominfo Bandung

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Super Hero Park now has a new hero who is ready to become an anti-drug hero. The Super Hero is called Kesatria Bersinar (Drug Clean Knight) which was officially launched on the 2024 International Narcotics Day Commemoration at Super Hero Park, Bandung City, Wednesday (26/6/2024)

This iconic statue of the Shining Knight is displayed in Superhero Park so that it can be an inspiration for children.

The Shining Knight statue was inaugurated by the Acting Mayor of Bandung, Bambang Tirtoyuliono, together with the Head of the Bandung City National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Police Commissioner. Mada Roostanto and the ranks of the Bandung City Forkopimda.

Kesatria Bersinar is the super hero icon of BNN Bandung City which was created to inspire children to become heroes who can help themselves. Especially from drug abuse and illicit trafficking. Not only for himself, but also for family, friends and the nation. This icon is the creation of Reynaldi Musa Iqbal from Telkom University.

Bambang said that the inauguration of the Shining Knight statue was momentum and a symbol of efforts to fight drugs in the city of Bandung.

"Drugs are a problem for all of us. There must be collaboration and concrete steps for handling and prevention. This is the momentum that drugs are an enemy that we must fight. It is also important in prevention and treatment," he said.

He said that the trend of drug abuse has always decreased from 2021 to 2023. In 2023, the prevalence rate of drug users will still reach 1.73 percent.

"This is joint homework. How do we play a role in combating and preventing. We communicate periodically to take preventative and handling steps," he said.

Bambang said that choosing Super Hero Park as a place to store the Shining Knight statue was the right thing, because every day parents and children always come to play.

"The city of Bandung has 29 thematic parks, including Super Hero Park, where children attend every day. This is the right location for placing statues as a means of education and outreach to the community, especially children, in an effort to fight drugs," he said.

"We also have 250 RW parks that can be used as educational facilities regarding fighting drugs. With this inauguration, it is a momentum to prevent and fight drugs," he said.

Head of Bandung City BNN, Commissioner Pol. Mada Roostanto said that the level of drug abuse has decreased but it is still a common chore. In West Java, 68,000 people aged 15-65 years are still exposed to drugs.

"This is a job for all of us, both forkopimda and society at large. We have to convey this crucial momentum. We have to protect the city of Bandung from drug trafficking. We have to prepare for the golden generation of 2045," he said.

He said that the Shining Knight statue was an initiative of the Bandung City BNN to become a symbol in the war against narcotics. In the statue there is a barcode that can be scanned to get information related to drugs.

"Here we already have Batman, Superman, why don't we make our own knight to be an anti-drug hero? This statue is a symbol. The shield is a form of rejection of the strategy to spread drugs," he said.

Editor: (Diskominfo Kota Bandung/UPI)

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