PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The Bandung City General Election Commission (KPU) officially determined the seats and candidates for elected members of the Bandung City DPRD for the 2024-2029 period at the open plenary to determine the seats and elected candidates for members of the Bandung City DPRD for the 2024-2029 period which was held at the Grand Preanger Hotel , Bandung City, Thursday (2/5/2024)
Acting Mayor of Bandung Bambang Tirtoyuliono, represented by Assistant for Government and Social Welfare Asep Saeful Gufron, in his speech congratulated the elected council members and political parties and invited them to collaborate and work together to develop the City of Bandung.
"On behalf of the Acting Mayor and the Bandung City Government, we would like to congratulate all the elected council members. We hope that future collaboration and synergy, God willing, will bring the City of Bandung better and also what the people's hopes can be realized soon," he said.
Asep also appreciated all parties starting from the government, election organizers, Bawaslu, TNI, Polri, political parties and the entire community who had worked together to ensure that the implementation of the democratic party ran safely, peacefully and conducively.
"Even though there are still dynamics, thank God, thanks to solidarity, Bandung remains conducive and has become a national pilot project in implementing conducive elections," he said.
"The election stages, sub-district level plenary meetings, city level plenary meetings all went according to what we expected," he said.
He hopes that the cohesiveness and synergy that has been built can continue to be improved, especially ahead of the simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) on November 27 2024.
"Let's work together to maintain solidarity, maintain togetherness. Hopefully the city of Bandung remains conducive. We have a shared responsibility to protect the city of Bandung from all aspects," he said.
Chairman of the Bandung City KPU, Wenti Prihadianti, said that the calculation of seat acquisition was based on the Sainte Lague Method and used a format that complies with the law.
He hopes that with the determination of the seats and the elected candidates for members of the Bandung City DPRD for the 2024-2029 period, he hopes that all parties will respect the results that have been determined.
"Congratulations and success to all elected legislative members, hopefully they can carry out their duties as well as possible and become people's representatives who listen to the people's voices and can work well with the Bandung City Government," he said.
At the plenary meeting it was determined that PKS would get 11 seats and was followed by the Gerindra Party, Golkar and PDIP (7 seats), Nasdem (6 seats), PKB (5 seats), PSI (4 seats) and the Democratic Party (3 seats).
The following is a list of names of Bandung City DPRD members for the 2024-2029 period:
Prosperous Justice Party (PKS)
1. Eko Kurnianto (Electoral District 1)
2. Iman Lestariyono (Dapil 1)
3. Agus Andi Setiawan (Dapil 2)
4. Susi Sulastri (Electoral District 3)
5. Ahmad Rahmat Purnama (Dapil 3)
6. Andri Rusmana (Electoral District 4)
7. Elton Agus Marjan (Electoral District 4)
8. Asep Mulyadi (Dapil 5)
9. Yudi Cahyadi (Dapil 6)
10. Siti Marfuah (Dapil 7)
11. Susanto Triyogo Adiputro (Dapil 7)
Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra)
1. Kurnia Sobayar (Electoral District 1)
2. Toni Wijaya (Electoral District 2)
3. Asep Robin (Electoral District 3)
4. Nunung Nurasiah (Dapil 4)
5. Agus Hermawan (Electoral District 5)
6. Maya Himawati (Dapil 6)
7. Angelica Justicia Majid (Dapil 7)
Work Group Party (Golkar)
1. Radea Respati Paramudhita (Dapil 1)
2. M. Bagja Jaya Wibawa (Dapil 2)
3. Iqbal Mohamad Usman (Dapil 3)
4. Edwin Sanjaya (Electoral District 4)
5. Muhammad Reza Commander in Chief (Dapil 5)
6. Rizal Khairul (Dapil 6)
7. Jurniarso Ridwan (Dapil 7)
Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP)
1. Riantono (Electoral District 1)
2. Achmad Nugraha DH (Dapil 2)
3. Aries Supriatna (Electoral District 3)
4. H. Sutaya (Dapil 4)
5. Andri Gunawan (Electoral District 5)
6. Isa Subagdja (Dapil 6)
7. Rieke Suryaningsih (Dapil 7)
National Democratic Party (Nasdem)
1. Dudy Himawan (Electoral District 1)
2. Agung Firmansyah Sumantri (Dapil 2)
3. Rendiana Awangga (Electoral District 3)
4. Asep Sudrajat (Dapil 4)
5. Heri Hermawan (Electoral District 6)
6. Uung Tanuwidjaja (Dapil 7)
National Awakening Party (PKB)
1. Mochamad Ulan Surlan (Dapil 1)
2. Muhammad Syahlevi Erwin Apandi (Dapil 2)
3. Aa Abdul Rozak (Electoral District 3)
4. Soni Daniswara (Dapil 5)
5. Indri Rindiani (Electoral District 6)
Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI)
1. Erick Darmadjaya (Electoral District 1)
2. Cristian Julianto Budiman (electoral district 5)
3. Sherly Theresia (Electoral District 6)
4. Yoel Yosaphat (Electoral District 7)
Democratic party
1. Aswan Asep Wawan (Electoral District 3)
2. Mukhamad Adi Widyanto (Dapil 4)
3. Aan Andi Purnama (Dapil 7).