More than 3.7 million cigarettes and 2.8 thousand liters of alcohol were symbolically destroyed in Garut Regency


Friday, December 15, 2023


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - A total of 3,795,812 cigarettes and 2,815.17 liters of illegal alcohol were symbolically destroyed in Garut Regency, during the Socialization of Provisions in the Field of Excise and Destruction of State Property held in the Garut Hall Building, Thursday (14/12/2023).

Deputy Regent (Wabup) of Garut, Helmi Budiman, appreciated the Head of the West Java Customs and Excise Regional Office, who had made Garut Regency a place for socialization of the destruction of illegal goods, especially illegal liquor and cigarettes.

Helmi explained that the number of illegal cigarettes in Garut Regency was quite large, in fact, of the 3.7 million cigarettes destroyed today, 80% came from Garut Regency.

"Well, in Garut Regency there are a lot of illegal cigarettes, but there are also a lot of legal ones. Well, of the current number of 3,800,000, that's more or less 3,790,000 cigarettes, 80% of which are from Garut Regency," he said. .

Helmi explained that Garut Regency is often a marketing place for illegal cigarettes. Apart from that, he explained, the liquor that is now being destroyed is liquor found in 5 districts/cities in East Priangan.

"Then the alcohol products, this alcohol was not found in Garut because the court process is still in Garut, so this is in 5 cities/districts in East Priangan, I think that's it. Thank you," he said.

He appealed to the public not to buy illegal cigarettes, or cigarettes that do not have excise stamps, apart from the fact that the contents of the cigarette are not guaranteed, buying illegal cigarettes will also be detrimental to the state, because state income through excise or cigarette taxes will be reduced.

He also said that in Garut Regency there are many legal cigarettes, one of the legal cigarettes in Garut Regency is bako (mangrove), which is well known to the public.

"Well, that's why in Garut there is an actual cigarette factory which is legal, we also recommend that firstly, don't buy illegal cigarettes, secondly, to our cigarette craftsmen, as mentioned earlier by the mother, let's make the cigarettes that we make it registered, register it so that it becomes legal," he said.

Head of the West Java Customs and Excise Regional Office, Finari Manan, said that this activity was the result of joint operations carried out by Tasikmalaya Customs, West Java Customs Regional Office, and East Priangan Satpol PP.

He said that there were 3,795,812 cigarettes and 2,815.17 liters of illegal alcohol destroyed today, with a total goods value of IDR 4,869,332,840, with potential state losses of IDR 2,764,545,708.

"So this is indeed illegal, which we must prevent and I would also like to express my thanks to the Deputy Regent, to the Regional Government, to the Satpol PP in this case in East Priangan who have synergized and collaborated well with Tasikmalaya Customs and Excise," he said.

He added that the illegal cigarette products that were destroyed came from the East Priangan area, including Garut Regency, Tasikmalaya City and Regency, Banjar City, Ciamis Regency and Pangandaran Regency.

"So actually, if there are people who want to try to produce cigarettes, that's not a problem as long as it's legal. Legal has to have an excise stamp attached to it, so the difference between legal and illegal is that legal has to have an excise stamp attached, if it has an excise stamp attached it means he's paying tax, right? ," he said.

Finari explained, based on Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations (UU HPP), the sanction that will be imposed on illegal cigarette dealers is an administrative sanction of 3x the excise value.

"If he can't pay the excise fine, then he will be subject to criminal charges. The investigation process will continue and he will be subject to criminal penalties. Yes, the threat is 5 years, 5 years. For those who sell, it's the same for those who distribute, he doesn't know who buys it. " he said.

He said that the cigarettes destroyed today were illegal cigarettes that had been collected from Semester II 2022 to Semester I 2023.

He also explained that entrepreneurs who want to produce and sell cigarettes are required to have an Excisable Goods Entrepreneur Identification Number (NPPNKC) by registering directly with Customs.

"Before it is sold, it must have an excise stamp attached to it. This excise stamp is a sign that he has paid taxes to the state. Well, one of the taxes paid by this country is a fund for tobacco excise and cigarette taxes. The cigarette tax is 10%," he said.

Head of the Garut Regency Satpol PP, Usep Basuki Eko, said that this extermination activity was a form of socialization to the community regarding provisions in the excise sector and a form of commitment from the Tasikmalaya Customs and Excise Supervision and Services Office (KPPBC) Type Middle Customs C (TMP C) together with the regional government. in the East Priangan area, Law Enforcement Officials (APH), as well as related agencies in suppressing the circulation of illegal excisable goods and in the context of utilizing funds for excise revenue sharing on tobacco products.

"The destruction of all the items mentioned above was carried out in 2 locations, namely symbolically at the Garut Regency Hall, and at PT Bineatama Kayone Lestari on Jalan Raya Rajapolah Kilometer 7 Indihiang Tasikmalaya," he said.

This activity was also attended by all city/district governments in the East Priangan region, as well as related APHs including Garut, Pangandaran, Ciamis, Tasikmalaya City, Tasikmalaya Regency, and Banjar City, in synergy with Tasikmalaya Customs and Excise, in the context of eradicating illegal cigarettes through operations together in utilizing DBHCHT. (Diskominfo Garut/UPI)

Editor: Upi

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