Unsil Students Launch CIRCULATION Health Program


Sunday, June 2, 2024


humas unsil


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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. TASIKMALAYA - Siliwangi University (Unsil) Public Health Students launched the Sukahurip Strategy Against Hypertension (CIRCULATION) health program at the Sukahurip Subdistrict Office, Tasikmalaya Regency, Friday (31/5/2024).

CIRCULATION is a program that aims to reduce the risk of hypertension in the elderly through a regular exercise program and improve the physical and mental health of the elderly through physical activity.

In this program there are two strategies to combat hypertension, namely screening for hypertension and implementing the Elderly Fitness Exercise (GEBRAS).

The head of the Kartala student group, Natha Lutfi, explained that since February 2024 he and his members have been carrying out the process of preparing this Circulation program.

"After conducting a situation analysis for approximately 3 months in Sukahurip Village, we found that hypertension was the highest disease in the community, especially the elderly. The highest causal factor was lack of physical activity or exercise. Therefore, we innovated this program," he said.

Representatives of lecturers from the Department of Public Health at Unsil appreciate and support the program that students have innovated and can be projected to reduce the number of hypertension illnesses in Sukahurip Village.

"CIRCULATION is one of the health program innovations created by students with the hope that it can be utilized by the community and hopefully remains sustainable," he said.

The secretary and chairman of the Sukahurip Village Posyandu working group, H Darul, appreciated the innovative program launched by the student group.

"I welcome this Circulation program. Even though Germas previously existed, it is equally good for the people of Sukahurip Village, especially the elderly. I hope that in the future Posyandu can serve all age categories, from toddlers to the elderly," he said.

Tamansari Risa Community Health Center representatives appreciated the idea of the Circulation program which is an effort to increase people's attraction to exercise.

"Puskesmas Tamansari fully supports students as the originators of the Circulation program and cadres as program implementers," he said.

Editor: humas unsil/UPI

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