Garbage Problem in Bandung City Slightly Solved with 'MOTAH'


Thursday, February 20, 2025


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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The waste problem in Bandung City has been slightly resolved with the presence of 'MOTAH' (Mesin Olah Runtah). The 4th MOTAH unit has just been established in Gempolsari Village, Bandung Kulon District, Bandung City. According to the Acting Mayor of Bandung A. Koswara during the inauguration, this type of waste processing model must continue to be developed, it must not stop in the middle of the road.

"Don't stop, it must continue to be run and even developed. Because if it stops, the waste problem will be increasingly unsolvable. We can no longer continue to rely on TPA (Final Disposal Sites)," he said, Monday (2/17/2025).

According to Koswara, the waste burned in the incinerator (burner) called MOTAH is residual waste or waste left over from processing.

"In fact, this residual waste can also ultimately produce RDF (Revuse Derived Fuel) which can be used as fuel for making cement, while the results of previous processing can be used for maggots and gas," continued Koswara.

The MOTAH machine itself is said to be able to burn 4-5 tons of garbage per day, without fuel and without an electric engine, because the combustion uses the garbage itself. MOTAH is also said to be non-polluting because it does not produce smoke, because it is designed in such a way without smoke.

Bandung Kulon Sub-district Head of Bandung City, Dadang Setiawan, said that the establishment of MOTAH in his area utilized former temporary waste disposal (TPS) land, even from 3 areas, namely Bandung City, Cimahi City and Bandung Regency.

"Because Gempolsari Village is located in the border area between Bandung City, Cimahi City and Bandung Regency. So previously, local residents disposed of their waste at this TPS. Now with the existence of MOTAH, I hope the waste problem in this area can be resolved and reduce disposal to the TPA," explained Dadang.

Dadang added that the cost of establishing MOTAH was around 1.4 billion, which was obtained from the APBD and CSR of private companies.

"The cost includes the building of the area and other supporting places, as well as training for the operator," he concluded. (Pun)

Editor: Revo

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