PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) signed a memorandum of understanding with various universities to accelerate poverty alleviation in West Java. This was done so that the programs provided are more focused, integrated, sustainable and effective so that social welfare increases significantly.
"We know that universities have community service institutions. And indeed, they have done a lot. If previously we were together, we want to work together now. Then later it will be planned well, in accordance with the studies that universities have conducted. Then we will formulate the intervention, the assistance is sustainable," said Gus Ipul when explaining the formulation of the cooperation that will be established with universities in Bandung, Friday ( 7/3/2025 ).
These universities are the Bandung Institute of Technology, Bogor Agricultural Institute, Padjadjaran University, Indonesian Education University, Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University in Bandung, Siliwangi University in Tasikmalaya, Bhayangkara University in Jakarta Raya Bekasi, Pasundan University in Bandung, Islamic University in Bandung, Parahyangan Catholic University in Bandung, Swadaya University in Gunung Jati in Cirebon, and Maranatha University in Bandung.
Gus Ipul gave an example of the form of cooperation carried out by mobilizing community empowerment activities carried out by the campus which can focus on one village.
"We start by selecting a village with a high number of poor and extremely poor people, after that we will formulate an intervention plan together," said Gus Ipul.
In line with this, Professor of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering ITB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Lienda Aliwarga, M.Eng said that his party had carried out activities that were empowering to the community by creating a circular economy in the cattle farming area of Jayagiri Village, Lembang District, West Bandung Regency.
"Through circular empowerment such as drying and processing stevia leaf food, drying lemons, and processing cow dung into biogas. All of that can drive the local economy," said Lienda.
According to Gus Ipul, in practice, there are potential programs that can be collaborated with universities, namely the Anti-Poverty Village and People's School programs. Specifically for the Anti-Poverty Village Program, Gus Ipul emphasized that the program will focus on the target of reducing extreme poverty in West Java.
"As many as 52.45 percent of the poor population are in three provinces, namely East Java, West Java and Central Java. If we can reduce poverty in these three provinces, including West Java, national poverty can be reduced by 50 percent," said Gus Ipul.
He added that nationally, the target of extreme poverty to 0 percent can be achieved as soon as possible in 2025, and at the latest in 2026. Therefore, it is crucial to realize collaboration with universities in implementing poverty alleviation programs in West Java.
"It can be done through trainings needed by the local community, all of which are well planned. So we want at least in the village there will be no more unemployed people, no more poor people. Because everyone is creative, everyone utilizes the existing resources," said Gus Ipul.
Gus Ipul also advised that the implemented program can be sustainable so that it can truly realize an independent village. He also reminded that the cooperation that was built must remain in a targeted, integrated, and sustainable corridor and be integrated with government and non-government programs.
"There is no need to use sectoral ego because that is what has hindered our work so far. Let's attack together," said Gus Ipul.
Also present at the signing ceremony at the Polteksos campus were representatives from the West Java Provincial Government, represented by the Assistant for Social Welfare, Dedi Supandi, and the Head of the Social Welfare Bureau of the West Java Provincial Secretariat, Andrie Kustria Wardana.