West Java's 38th MTQ in Bekasi Regency Becomes a Barometer and Meets National Standards


Sunday, May 5, 2024


Diskominfo Kab. Bekasi


Diskominfo Kab. Bekasi

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. BEKASI - Chair of the 38th Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an (MTQ) Supervisory Coordinator for West Java Province, Zaenal Abidin admitted that the competition for each caliph in the finals in each branch was competitive.

This condition proves the success of training at each Qur'an Tilawatil Development Institute (LPTQ) in each region throughout West Java. In fact, looking at the matches during the week, the caravan for each region is growing rapidly.

"I hope that after the West Java MTQ -38 which will be implemented in Bekasi Regency. "Coaching and training is carried out continuously," said Zaenal (4/5/2024).

The approaches to training that can be taken are the direct approach and digital application approach.

"Even though they are participants, they don't come face to face with supervisors directly, but they can use digital systems or applications that they can participate in," he added.

He added that the succession of West Java MTQ -38 implementation which was carried out in Bekasi Regency was a barometer.

For him, this year's MTQ event has met national standards. This means that it becomes an illustration for every caravan, so that they can perform optimally when they enter the National level.

"Where the 38th MTQ in West Java is the main measure for selecting caravans which will later be lowered to the National MTQ level," he said.

In terms of health services too, said Zaenal, they are very optimal. This is a plus, because from the caravan's side, also from a health aspect, everyone is healthy and no one experienced problems with their health deteriorating while competing.

"We haven't heard of any health complaints. Participants are sick, or otherwise. "This means in terms of physical services and cleanliness," he continued.

Furthermore, regarding West Java winning again at the National level, the 38th MTQ in Bekasi Regency determines the maximum results achieved at the National level.

The placement of the Board of Judges and Supervisors meets National standards, so that the Board of Judges and supervisors provide a psychological influence on each participant.

"The implementation of MTQ at the West Java level in Bekasi Regency, with adequate facilities, is already at the national level," he said. (Diskominfo Bekasi Regency/Fauziah)

Editor: Fauziah Ismi

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