Harvesting Hundreds of Kilos of Kasgot, Maggot Cultivation in Sukamiskin Subdistrict Begins to Reap Results


Friday, January 26, 2024


Diskominfo Kota Bandung


Diskominfo Kota Bandung

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Maggot cultivation in Sukamiskin Village, Arcamanik District, Bandung City is starting to reap results. The harvest of cashgot or fertilizer from maggot droppings in this sub-district reaches 200 kilograms. This was conveyed by the Maggot Cultivation Manager in Sukamiskin Village, Wawan Setiawan.

"In one harvest, we can get at least 1 quintal of cashgot. A few days ago, we just harvested around 2 quintals, or more precisely 220 kilos of cashgot," he said.

Wawan explained that maggot cultivation is located next to the Sukamiskin Village Office on Jalan Pacuan Kuda No. 204, Sukamiskin. In its place, it requires around 1 ton of organic waste per day. Meanwhile, maggots take 10 days to breed. The price range for cashew on the market is between IDR 1,000 to IDR 14,000 per kilogram.

"So the assumption is that in 10 days, we use up 10 tons of organic waste. "We distribute that in every biopon, one biopon contains one gram of maggots," he said.

According to Wawan, organic waste is obtained from 17 RWs in Sukamiskin Village.

"We collected this organic waste from 17 RWs in Sukamiskin sub-district. "One day we get around 1 ton of organic waste," he said.

One of the residents of Sukamiskin sub-district, Nana Suparna, admitted that he was happy about this maggot cultivation.

“Organic waste is reduced, it can even be used as fertilizer. "So reducing waste that was previously thrown away carelessly can now be a benefit," he said.

Sukamiskin Village Head, Farida Agustini appreciated her residents for taking action to sort organic waste.

"Alhamdulillah, thanks to the community who have started sorting organic waste. "So it's easy for us to process maggot feed," said Farida. (rdp*)

Editor: rdp

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