PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - The Branch Leadership Council (DPC) of the Indonesian Sheep Goat Breeding Association (HPDKI) Garut Regency in collaboration with the Garut Fisheries and Livestock Service (Diskannak) held the Garut Sheep Agility Art (SKDG) activity at Pamindangan Anugrah Lebah Gunung Guntur, Pasawahan Village, Tarogong District Kaler (9/6/2024).
Head of the Garut Diskannak, Beni Yoga Gunasantika, said that this activity was a routine agenda to commemorate Garut's anniversary.
Different from the past, the art of sheep agility in Garut now focuses more on artistic and cultural aspects, no longer fighting against each other.
Understand the importance of preserving Garut sheep, considering that this sheep has been declared a typical Indonesian sheep based on the 2021 Minister of Agriculture Regulation.
"In order to preserve this, one of our efforts is to preserve Garut sheep," said Beni.
One of the efforts to preserve Garut sheep is through the genetic resources conservation center, which functions to maintain the genetic authenticity of these sheep.
"Now there are matings with other sheep, so we are trying to ensure that this remains sustainable, so we have a separate center for preserving genetic resources," he continued.
Apart from that, Beni explained that Garut sheep excel in meat production and have a high prolificacy rate. Female Garut sheep can give birth to more children in one birth, accelerating population growth.
Several countries, such as Australia and Belgium, are interested in making Garut sheep as superior seeds.
"There are superior seeds from Australia, they just arrived yesterday from Belgium, so they are asking for Garut sheep seeds so they can be bred with their superior sheep," he said.
In order to ensure the health of the sheep during the event, the Garut Regency Diskannak provides health services through mobile health centers.
"We provide cars for animal health services, we provide doctors, we also provide vitamins, vaccines, including the necessary medicines," he said. (Diskominfo Garut/Fauziah)