BIUTR Development Accelerated Again, Bandung City Government Formulates Follow-up Actions with Related Agencies


Thursday, October 10, 2024


Diskominfo Bandung


Diskominfo Bandung

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) together with the PUPR Ministry and the West Java Provincial Government held a Discussion Meeting on the Follow-up to the Bandung Intra Urban Toll Road (BIUTR) Business Plan, Tuesday (8/10/2024).

This meeting discussed a number of technical matters in the implementation of BIUTR, which is believed to be one of the solutions to traffic congestion in the Bandung City area.

Acting Mayor of Bandung A. Koswara said that this follow-up meeting aims to reformulate the management of BIUTR. The development of BIUTR has now become a National Strategic Project (PSN).

A number of technical aspects were discussed, starting from the current existing conditions with the initial initiation of BIUTR, and the renewal of authority in each party after BIUTR became a PSN.

"We are coordinating in Bandung City as an area affected by PSN. In terms of spatial planning and APBD policies, we must provide support so that this project runs smoothly," he said.

He also underlined things that need to be anticipated in the ongoing BIUTR development series. Starting from the impact of BIUTR in terms of infrastructure and other systems, such as public transportation.

On the other hand, as a short and medium term solution, the Bandung City Government is preparing operating hours for private vehicles, as well as making traffic management more effective in order to reduce congestion.

"This traffic movement management can reduce congestion, while waiting for the presence of BIUTR," he said.

Acting Director of Implementation of Road and Bridge Infrastructure Financing at the PUPR Ministry, Erna Wijayanti, said that the BIUTR business plan was initiated in 2006 to accommodate traffic congestion problems in the city of Bandung.

In 2019, a memorandum of understanding was made in the form of an agreement between the Central Government, the West Java Provincial Government and the Bandung City Government. This memorandum of understanding has ended on June 29, 2024.

"For that reason, there needs to be an update. With the scope of authority in each party (between the PUPR Ministry, the West Java Provincial Government, and the Bandung City Government)," he said.

He also welcomed the temporary efforts made by the Bandung City Government in implementing traffic management, while waiting for the presence of BIUTR as a long-term solution.

"Appreciation for the Bandung City Government, the Acting Mayor who has thought about traffic management as one of the efforts to overcome congestion. It is hoped that BIUTR will be a new solution to congestion in the city of Bandung," he said.

Citing the presentation from the Bandung City Government in this meeting, BIUTR is an inner-city toll road planned to connect the northern and southern areas of Bandung City. This project aims to improve accessibility and reduce congestion in Bandung City and its surroundings.

The project is scheduled to run from land acquisition to completion in 2029. The land acquisition preparation stage will begin in 2024, while control of space utilization will be carried out in stages with support from the APBN and APBD.

Editor: (Diskominfo Kota Bandung/UPI)

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