Development of the Head of the Garut Satpol PP Unit, Realizing One Command in Carrying Out Duties


Saturday, June 1, 2024


Diskominfo Garut


Diskominfo Garut

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - The Garut Regency Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) held a Gathering and Development event for the Heads of District Satpol PP Units (Kanit) throughout Garut Regency, taking place in the Tirtagangga Hotel Ballroom, Garut Regency, Wednesday (29/5/2024)

Assistant for Government and People's Welfare (Pemkesra) of the Regional Secretariat of Garut Regency, Bambang Hafidz, this activity was carried out in order to strengthen the implementation of Satpol PP duties, including unit heads or section heads (kasi) for peace and order (tantrib) in the sub-district.

"There are two functions, namely as head of order and as head of unit, I think this should be more synergistic. In the sub-district it also has the same function as the district police," he said.

Bambang hopes that sub-district heads can clearly understand their respective duties, functions and authorities. He also hopes that the synergy between sub-district and district Satpol PP can continue to be well established.

Head of Garut Regency Satpol PP Usep Basuki Eko added that this event is also known as 'commander's hour', where unit heads from each sub-district gather to receive directions from the leadership.

"So internally we call it commander hours, command hours. Just now we also invited Assistant 1, straight from the organization, and straight from BKD for us to share because this will be related to organizational issues including staffing personnel issues," he said.

He said that the aim of this activity was to equalize steps and perceptions in carrying out tasks, so that all tasks could be carried out under one command.

"They are from each sub-district, and we are also very aware that their backgrounds are different, different, because the traffic police chief may have previously been from any service, from which service, not one that was specifically formed or from the start as a pol PP," he said. .

Eko hopes that after this activity the unit heads will be able to understand the steps that must be taken in the future. He also advised, according to the direction of the Acting Regent of Garut Barnas Adjidin, that the Garut Satpol PP must protect the spirit and honor of the corps.

"This means that in carrying out our duties we must strictly comply with the provisions because we are law enforcers, it is absolutely necessary for a law enforcer to have no compromise. We must be firm, with a straight line of command," he said.

Editor: (Diskominfo Garut/UPI)

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