PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Sein Farm, located in Ujungberung District, Bandung City, has officially been appointed as the center for sorghum development in Indonesia.
This determination was announced in a series of events at the Permata Bandung Festival, a major initiative carried out by the Regional Government (Pemda) of Bandung City in collaboration with Pasundan University (Unpas) to strengthen local food security.
Head of the Bandung City Food and Agriculture Security Service (DKPP), Gin Gin Ginanjar, stated that choosing Sein Farm as a sorghum center was a strategic step to optimize the potential of sorghum as a multifunctional crop.
"Sorghum has a bright future as a source of food and animal feed. Through development at Sein Farm, we hope to maximize the benefits of sorghum for society," said Gin Gin.
Gin Gin explained that Sein Farm will focus on cultivating sorghum using efficient and environmentally friendly methods.
"We will develop various sorghum varieties that are suitable for the climate and soil conditions in Bandung City," said Gin Gin.
Gin Gin also said that the use of sorghum is not only limited to animal feed, but also as a human food ingredient.
"Sorghum can be processed into various food products, such as flour, bread and snacks. This will increase added value and diversify agricultural products," explained Gingin.
According to him, Sein Farm will function as a research and development center for sorghum
"We are collaborating with Pasundan University and other research institutions to improve the quality and productivity of sorghum," said Gin Gin.
Sein Farm receives support from various parties, including BRI.
BRI Branch Director Ahmad Nasution Ferdian Handoko expressed his commitment to support the development of this area.
"Thank God, we were given the opportunity to provide CSR assistance for agrotourism. We hope that this area will have a positive impact on the surrounding community and the city of Bandung," said Ferdian.
Meanwhile, Unpas Postgraduate Director Eddy Jusup hopes that Sein Farm can become a successful model in developing sorghum.
"With togetherness and collaboration, we hope that Sein Farm can become a center for agricultural and cultural education that is beneficial for the community," said Eddy.
Eddy said that establishing Sein Farm as a center for sorghum development in Indonesia was an important step in strengthening national food security.
"With the various programs that have been planned, it is hoped that Sein Farm can become a successful example of developing sorghum plants that are sustainable and beneficial to the wider community," he concluded. (Diskominfo Bandung City/Revo)