Bekasi District Government Wins Green Zone Award for Public Service


Tuesday, March 18, 2025


Diskominfo Kab. Bekasi


Diskominfo Kab. Bekasi

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PORTALJABAR, BEKASI REGENCY - The Bekasi Regency Government (Pemdakab) received an award from the Republic of Indonesia Ombudsman in the assessment of compliance with the implementation of public services in 2024.

The award was symbolically presented by the Deputy Regent of Bekasi, Asep Surya Atmaja, to the Regional Secretary, Dedy Supriyadi at the Korpri Ceremony at the Cikarang Pusat Pemdakab Plaza, Monday (17/3/2025).

In the assessment, Bekasi Regency obtained a score of 87.88 points, an increase of 4.66 points from the previous year which reached 83.22. With this achievement, Bekasi Regency is included in the green zone category, which indicates a high level of compliance in public services.

"This award signifies that the quality of our public services is in the green zone. This achievement should be a motivation for all ranks to continue to improve professionalism and integrity in providing services to the community," said Asep Surya Atmaja in his message.

In addition, Asep emphasized that this achievement must be accompanied by a commitment to continue to improve and provide better services. He also reminded that although Bekasi Regency is still in a state of Emergency Response to Flood Disasters, public services must continue to run optimally.

"I invite all regional apparatus to improve coordination and rapid response in helping affected communities, so that public services continue to run even in emergency conditions," he added.

With this award, Bekasi Regency Government affirms its commitment to continue improving the quality of public services that are professional, transparent, and oriented towards public satisfaction. This achievement is also real evidence of ongoing efforts to improve governance that is more responsive and accountable.

In the future, Bekasi Regency Government is determined to maintain and improve service standards by continuing to innovate and strengthen cross-sector coordination. In addition, efforts to improve the competence of the apparatus will also be a priority to ensure more effective and efficient services for the community.

In emergency conditions such as the ongoing flood disaster, the local government also emphasized the importance of preparedness and rapid response in providing assistance and ensuring that public services continue to run optimally. With strong synergy between the government and the community, it is hoped that Bekasi Regency can continue to develop towards a more advanced, transparent, and prosperous region. (Bekasi Regency Government Public Relations/rka)

Editor: Revo

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