PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. BOGOR - The Bogor Regency Regional Government (Pemdakab) through the Culture and Tourism Service (Disbudpar) confirmed the management of the Bogor Regency Regional Tourism Promotion Agency (BPPD) for the 2023-2027 term of office, at the Gumilang Hotel, Cisarua, Wednesday (20/12/2023).
Assistant for Economy and Development (Asekbang), Suryanto Putra inaugurated the new BPPD members. Bogor Regency has the tagline Sport and Tourism because tourism is a leading sector which is expected to accelerate regional economic growth. Not long ago, the Bogor District Government also launched the Bogor Regency Exploration (Ekabo) application to make it easier for tourists to explore various tourist attractions in Bogor Regency.
Suryanto Putra said that the potential of Sport and Tourism must be promoted en masse in creative, innovative ways, by maximizing digital media, so that it can attract more tourists, both domestic and foreign, to increase foreign exchange, drive the tourism industry and economy in Bogor Regency.
"It is hoped that with the inauguration of the BPPD management consisting of elements from tourism, academics, media and professionals, efforts to promote and image tourism in Bogor Regency can be maximized," he said.
Suryanto added that BPPD as a regional government partner is also expected to be more creative in finding funding sources outside the APBD so that it can organize more sports and tourism events on a national and international scale.
"Strengthen synergy and develop collaboration with national and international tourism stakeholders so that the tourism, culture, sports, MSME and creative economy industries can both advance and develop," he said.
Plt. Head of the Culture and Tourism Service, Budi Cahyadi Wiryadi, explained that BPPD must carry out many activities that can invite tourists to come to Bogor Regency, so that our target of bringing in 10 million tourists per year can be achieved.
"In the future, we want them to make innovations that can attract tourists. "Currently we already have the Bogor Regency Exploration application (Ekabo), later the events they create will be included in the application, so tourists can easily access information related to events in Bogor Regency," he said.
Present on this occasion, Plt. Head of the Bogor Regency Culture and Tourism Office, Budi Cahyadi Wiryadi, Chair of Tourism Sector Institutions/Associations throughout Bogor Regency, as well as tourism business actors in Bogor Regency. (rdp*)