PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Successfully providing public information services to the community, the Bogor District Government has again won the Public Information Openness Award as an Informative District from the Information Commission (KI) of West Java Province in 2023.
The award was given as a Public Body in the Informative Regency/City Government Category in the E-Monev on Public Information Openness at West Java Level Public Bodies, 2023, which took place at Gedung Sate Bandung (30/11/2023).
Achieving informative classification status is the highest award for public bodies that provide public information services. Of the 27 districts/cities in West Java, 17 of them received the informative title.
Qualifications and zoning for ranking public bodies, namely Informative with a score of 90-100 Green Zone, Towards Informative with a score of 80 - 89.9 Blue Zone, Fairly Informative with a score of 60 - 79.9 Yellow Zone, Less Informative with a score of 40 - 59.9 Red Zone, and Not Informative value less than 39.9 Black Zoned.
Head of the Bogor Regency Communication and Informatics Service, Bayu Ramawanto, expressed his gratitude because the Bogor Regency Government had won the award as an Informative Regency twice in a row in 2022 and 2023.
According to him, in accordance with the direction of the Governor of West Java, information disclosure is an obligation that must be carried out.
"Of course, by providing services, quick responses to the public regarding the information needs of the public bodies we love. With this achievement, we hope that not only regional governments but also stakeholder agencies in the future can achieve this openness of public information with informative criteria," explained Bayu Ramawanto.
He also asked to continue to strengthen the synergy between the Main PPID and the Implementing PPID, of course to maintain existing achievements. In order to provide optimal and quick response in meeting the information needs of the public.
Furthermore, in his remarks the Acting Governor of West Java, Bey Machmudin expressed his appreciation to the West Java Provincial Information Commission for its important role in monitoring and evaluating the openness of public information as well as overseeing the strengthening of accountability of public bodies in West Java Province.
"As a form of compliance with the Law on Openness of Public Information. Openness is a necessity, for this reason, continue to act and collaborate on how public bodies can respond to community needs responsively and quickly, as well as innovate to adapt to developments in digitalization," he stressed.
As is known for the implementation stages of monev in the report, the Chairman of the West Java Information Commission, Ijang Faisal, explained that the Monev begins with filling in the Questionnaire via E-Monev (Digital Application) http:/e-monev.komisiinformation.go.id/provinsi/jabar Filling in by Main PPID.
"Next is returning the Questionnaire, Data Verification, Field Visit/verification, Public Presentation/Test, Assessment and Determination, and finally the Announcement and Award," he added.