PORTALJABAR, BOGOR REGENCY - Acting Regent of Bogor, Bachril Bakri signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI). Bachril hopes that the cooperation will have a positive impact on the welfare of the people of Bogor Regency.
Representing PT. KAI, Executive Vice President of Operation Area (Daop) 1 Jakarta, Yuskal Setiawan. The signing was carried out on the Bogor - Sukabumi train carriage, departing from Maseng Station, Cigombong to Cibadak Station, Sukabumi Regency (11/28/2024).
The scope of this joint agreement includes public works on railway lines, utilities on railway lines, public order, welfare and safety on railway lines, and at intersections between railway lines and roads.
Then maintenance, commercialization and certification of assets, information and communication technology, improving the economy and public health, as well as the arrangement, utilization of space and development of areas on railway lines and stations.
Also present at the event were Deputy I Daop 1 Jakarta, Deputy PAM OPKA, Legal Manager of PT. KAI Persero, and representatives of the Bogor Regency Forkopimda. Accompanying the Acting Regent of Bogor, Head of the Transportation Agency, Head of the Development Administration Section, Head of the Protocol and Leadership Communication Section, representatives of the Cigombong Sub-district Head, and the ranks of the Bogor Regency Government.
p. Bogor Regent, Bachril Bakri expressed, on behalf of the Bogor Regency Government, he expressed his gratitude and warmly welcomed the signing of the memorandum of understanding between PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Persero and the Bogor Regency Government in the arrangement and development of the area on the railway line in Bogor Regency.
"I welcome the cooperation in the development and utilization of this land, hopefully it can provide positive value for the welfare of the people of Bogor Regency, especially for those who live around the PT. KAI land," said Bachril.
Bachril added that the cooperation he signed covered various things, including in addition to land development and utilization, also the welfare of the community around the railway line.
"Therefore, we hope that this collaboration can improve the synergy between the Bogor Regency Government and PT. KAI, as well as improve the welfare of the community, especially along the lines owned by PT. KAI," said Bachril Bakri.
Executive Vice President of Operation Area (Daop) 1 Jakarta, Yuskal Setiawan explained, we signed the MOU with the Bogor Regency Government, in this case directly by the Acting Regent of Bogor and it was carried out on the Train. (Diskominfo Kab. Bogor/Fauziah)