PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The West Java Provincial Government is committed to increasing the role and participation of people with disabilities in various aspects of development and social, cultural and economic life.
This was stated by the Acting Regional Secretary of West Java Province, Taufiq Budi Santoso, when attending the commemoration of International Disability Day at West Java Province Level 2023 on the front lawn of Gedung Sate, Bandung City, Saturday (16/12/2023).
In his speech, Taufiq said that International Day of Persons with Disabilities is a moment of celebration that always reminds all parties to always strive to encourage the realization of inclusion and open up the widest possible opportunities for every citizen, including people with disabilities, to be able to actively participate in development in Indonesia, especially in West Java.
"The West Java Provincial Government always supports and prioritizes regional development to involve, provide assistance, facilitate and encourage people with disabilities to work together," said Taufiq.
In supporting the protection and active participation of people with disabilities in all sectors, the West Java Provincial Government together with the West Java DPRD always prioritize people with disabilities in terms of development planning and budgeting.
"In fact, it has been agreed that next year (2024) there will be special discussions on regional regulations for people with disabilities. This is our effort to continue to promote the rights of people with disabilities," he said.
Taufiq also appreciated the event to commemorate International Disability Day at the West Java Province level, he hoped that this could attract the full attention of various parties so that they cared and there was no discrimination in various matters.
He gave an example of providing equal opportunities to receive education, obtain employment and fulfill their rights and obligations properly.
"We appreciate the ladies and gentlemen who support this program, which shows how we facilitate and invite people with disabilities to participate in development, both national and regional, especially West Java Province," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Java Province Social Service, Ida Wahida Hidayati, said that the 2023 West Java Province International Day of Disability Commemoration activities had the theme "Disability Empowered, Sustainable Development for All". This theme was raised in reference to the national theme "United in Action to Save and Achieve Goals Sustainable Development for and by Persons with Disabilities".
People with disabilities are expected to be empowered through increasing accessibility to work and create so that they can play an active role and be involved in development.
"The West Java Provincial Government is taking part in commemorating HDI to increase awareness and understanding in an effort to respect, protect and fulfill the rights of people with disabilities in all aspects of life, including social, political, economic and cultural," he said.
On this occasion, Taufiq also gave awards to 18 agencies or individuals in several categories, namely district and city governments that actively promote social welfare for people with disabilities, companies that employ workers with disabilities, companies that provide access for people with disabilities.
Awards are also given to outstanding people with disabilities, activists for people with disabilities, observers of people with disabilities, providers of disability-friendly formal and non-formal education.
Apart from that, there was also an exhibition on population administration services and health consultations filled by the West Java Dukcapil Office, West Java Health Service, and also filled by MSMEs for people with disabilities and organizations of people with disabilities.
The following are the award recipients:
Winner category of Al-Quran Braille Reading Contest
1. 1st Place M. Reval Gumilar
2. 2nd Place Salma Nur Asyifa
3. 3rd Place Abdu Rokhim
Categories of Regency/City Governments that Actively Promote Social Welfare for Persons with Disabilities:
1. Regent of Bandung
2. Acting Regent of Kuningan
3. Regent of Subang
Categories of Companies that Employ Disabled Persons According to Law Number 8 of 2016:
1. PT. Feng Tay Indonesia Enterprises
2. PT. Changshin Mutual Jaya
Categories of Companies that Provide Easy Accessibility and Employment Facilities for Persons with Disabilities:
1. PT. KAI
Achievement Category for Persons with Disabilities:
1. Indra Yoga (Chess)
2. Indah Khoirunisa (Athletics)
3. Zaenal Arifin (Qori)
4. Firda Indira Yufi Lestari (Qoriah)
Category of Activists for Persons with Disabilities:
1. Supriatna Gumilar.
Categories of Persons with Disabilities:
1. Hj. Eli Nastiti
2. Dra. Hj. Tia Fitriani.
Category of Activists and Observers of Persons with Disabilities:
1. Al-Islamabad
Categories of Disability Friendly Non-Formal Education Providers:
1. Tahfidz Islamic Boarding School for the Blind Ma'had Sam'an Darushudur
2. Cinnamon Foundation;
3. Salman Charity House.
Categories of Disability Friendly Formal Education Providers:
1. NHI Bandung Tourism Polytechnic