PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) continues to be committed to providing excellent health services for the community. This refers to the six pillars of public health transformation.
This was stated by the Head of the Bandung City Health Service (Dinkes), Anhar Hadian, at the Peak of the 59th National Health Day Commemoration at the Bandung City Level in 2023 at the Health Office, Sunday (10/12/2023).
"The Ministry of Health has launched six pillars of public health transformation for advanced Indonesia. We want to be part of providing more advanced health services," he said.
Each of these transformation pillars are primary services, referral service transformation pillars, health resilience systems, health financing, health human resources and health technology transformation pillars.
According to him, the six pillars of health transformation that support the Indonesian health system must be built together and continuously as mandated in the 1945 Constitution.
"Everyone has the right to obtain health services and the state is responsible for providing adequate health service facilities," he said.
In its implementation, this health transformation is not easy. Anhar further said that after the pandemic, health challenges did not become easier, they even became more challenging.
Nevertheless, Anhar is optimistic that all these challenges can be overcome with the enthusiasm and togetherness of all parties.
"Everything is still in the process (of health transformation), this is quite a big paradigm shift. One of them is the use of technology. For example, the use of electronic medical records, changing the culture of handwritten medical records to electronic ones. This requires joint adaptation. The challenges are still very big," he said.
"I take the example of COVID, Wolbachia, monkey fox. All of these problems were reduced because of the pandemic. With determination, enthusiasm and togetherness, everything can be solved," he said.
On this occasion, the Health Department also appreciated the 18 health workers who have struggled tirelessly in implementing health development, especially in the city of Bandung.
"As appreciation, we give awards to community health centers and other health facilities with the best performance in several respects. In total, there are 18 criteria for which we give appreciation," he said.
Apart from that, there are also a series of activities ranging from volleyball competitions, futsal, walking and others. Activities were also held that directly touched the community through screening for non-communicable diseases with a target of almost 15,000 people.
"This is a form of gratitude, after 3 years we have faced a pandemic," he said. (Diskominfo Bandung City/UPI)