Prevention of Marriage of Minors, Joint Efforts to Protect Minors


Thursday, March 13, 2025





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PORTALJABAR, GARUT REGENCY - The Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service (DPPKBPPPA) of Garut Regency held a Workshop on Optimizing Underage Marriage Prevention Strategies (STOP KABUR). This event was held at the Garut University Hall, Jl. Raya Samarang, Garut, on Wednesday (12/3/2025).

This workshop aims to increase understanding and synergy between stakeholders in an effort to protect children from various risks that threaten their development.

This is in line with what was said by the Regent of Garut, Abdusy Syakur Amin, who conveyed the importance of joint efforts in preventing various problems faced by minors such as early marriage and sexual violence.

"Children are the next generation of the nation, and we have a responsibility to protect them from various threats, through this workshop, we hope to formulate a more effective and integrated strategy in preventing problems of minors," he said.

In addition, the Chancellor of Garut University (Uniga), Irfan Nabhani, said that early marriage and sexual violence are serious problems, he hopes that this activity can provide a solution to prevent this.

"Early marriage and sexual violence are serious threats to the future of the young generation, through this workshop we are trying to find the best solution to prevent this problem and provide optimal protection for children and adolescents," said Irfan.

In the same place, the Head of DPPKBPPPA Garut Regency, Yayan Waryana, expressed his hope to all workshop participants to be able to increase understanding and awareness of the dangers of early marriage and sexual violence, especially in adolescents or minors.

Finally, he said that his party is committed to continuing to support efforts to protect children and adolescents, and to ensure that every child and adolescent gets their rights. (Garut Communication and Information Service/Fauziah)

Editor: Fauziah Ismi

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