Acting Bogor Regent Appreciates PT. Antam UPBE Pongkor Shares with the Community Through Ramadan Safari


Saturday, March 30, 2024


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. BOGOR - Acting The Regent of Bogor, Asmawa Tosepu appreciated PT. Antam UPBE Pongkor initiated a sharing event with the local community which was packaged as a Ramadan Safari.

He conveyed this at the Ramadhan Safari event, at PT. Antam UPBE Pongkor, Nanggung District, Friday (29/3/2024).

“We appreciate the leadership of PT. Antam UPBE Pongkor and its staff have initiated this sharing event. "Because by sharing we can strengthen relationships, and in this Ramadan atmosphere we are encouraged to share with others," explained Asmawa.

Asmawa and the ranks of the Bogor Regional Government were in Nanggung District all day in the context of efforts to develop the potential of Bogor Regency.

Next, the General Manager of PT. Antam UPBE Pongkor, Muhidin expressed his appreciation for the presence of Acting. The Regent of Bogor and the ranks of the Bogor District Government at this Ramadan Safari event. This activity is an annual routine event combined with providing compensation.

"This is also an opportunity for us to get in touch with local community leaders so that we can increase synergy and of course increase our faith and devotion to Allah," said Muhidin.

Muhidin explained that the Ramadhan Safari event was not only held at PT. UPBE Pongkor Antam, but also implemented in all PT Antam units. So it was held simultaneously throughout Indonesia.

"We hope that through this event we can stay in touch with the community and be able to share or help people in need. Hopefully this activity will be blessed by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala," concluded Muhidin. (Diskominfo Bogor Regency/Fauziah)

Editor: Fauziah Ismi

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