PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. BOGOR - Acting (Pj.) Bogor Regent Asmawa Tosepu said that the Development Planning Deliberation forum (Musrenbang) will produce planning documents that can be used as a foundation or basis for sustainable development in Bogor Regency for the next 20 years.
He conveyed this at the Musrenbang Regional Long Term Development Plan (RPJPD) for 2025-2045 which was coupled with the Musrenbang Regional Development Work Plan (RKPD) for Bogor Regency for 2025, at the Harris CCM Hotel, Cibinong, Thursday (28/3/2024) .
Acting The Regent of Bogor said that this Musrenbang forum is very strategic because it will formulate long-term, medium-term and short-term development planning documents, as a basis or foundation for sustainable development in Bogor Regency for the next 20 years.
"This Musrenbang Forum will also formulate strategic problems and issues related to development in Bogor Regency, which will be used as a reference for the best sons and daughters of Bogor Regency who will contest in the upcoming regional elections," said Asmawa.
Asmawa continued, because it has become a provision that the vision and mission of the regional head candidate's strategic program must refer to the long-term planning document that has been previously determined. The Bogor Regional Government has a target before the registration of Regional Head candidates must be completed.
"Therefore, today I give special emphasis to all relevant stakeholders, that the success of this forum is how we can formulate and identify the basic problems and strategic issues that exist in Bogor Regency, so that we can formulate them into a development policy for the future," stressed Asmawa.
Asmawa said that Bogor Regency is blessed with abundant resources and is very strategically located in the metropolitan area of Jakarta–Bogor–Depok–Tangerang–Bekasi–Puncak–Cianjur (Jabodetabekjur).
He revealed that there are still main and fundamental problems as they occur in almost every district/city, namely related to community welfare, including poverty, education, health and access to resources, unemployment and development inequality.
“Proper planning is needed so that this problem can be overcome or minimized. "We have to place development priorities correctly, which ones we have to, not what we want because if too many things are prioritized, then it's the same as not prioritizing anything," said Asmawa.
He added that the status of Jakarta, which is no longer the National Capital, must also be considered and plans to form an agglomeration area, where Jakarta, Bogor Regency and eight other districts/cities are included.
"So Bogor Regency must be smart in taking opportunities because the agglomeration area is projected to become the center of national economic growth on a global scale," said Asmawa Tosepu.
Deputy Chairman of the Bogor Regency DPRD, Agus Salim, explained that the Bogor District Government was asked to dig deeper and more carefully regarding strategic problems and issues that were of common concern to all stakeholders. According to him, this is important so that it can be used as input in formulating appropriate and accurate policies at each stage of development.
"Building synergy with the development planning of the central and provincial governments, as well as surrounding areas, especially areas directly bordering Bogor Regency. "I hope the Bogor Regional Government will focus on regional macro targets which still need to be completed and achieved with the right policies," explained Agus Salim.
Present at the event were the Deputy Chair along with members of the Bogor Regency DPRD, elements of Forkopimda, Plh. Regional Secretary, and heads of regional apparatus within the Bogor Regency Government, representatives of Bappeda districts/cities bordering Bogor Regency, representatives of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), heads of vertical agencies in Bogor Regency, representatives of universities, heads of institutions, organizations, association associations , community leaders, religious scholars, youth leaders, women and people with disabilities. (Diskominfo Bogor Regency/Revo)