Acting Bogor Regent - West Java Provincial Government Continue to Commit to Resolving the Long Parung Problem


Friday, January 5, 2024


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. BOGOR - After directly monitoring the situation in Parung Panjang District on Monday (1/1/2023), the Acting Regent of Bogor, Asmawa Tosepu held a coordination meeting with Forkopimda, members of the Bogor Regency DPRD, West Java Provincial Government and other related parties to harmonize steps acceleration of resolution of the Parung Panjang problem, in the Bogor Regent's Meeting Room, Cibinong (2/1/2023).

Since being appointed as Acting. The Regent of Bogor, Asmawa Tosepu, paid special attention to resolving the problem in Parung Panjang.

Three days after the inauguration, Acting. The Regent of Bogor accompanied by the head of regional apparatus directly inspected the construction site for mining vehicle parking in Parung Panjang.

Next today Pj. The Regent of Bogor, Asmawa Tosepu held a coordination meeting with related elements. On this occasion he expressed his gratitude for the attention of all parties who today gave their attention to resolving the problems in Parung Panjang.

He invited us to jointly follow up on the results of this meeting in accordance with our respective main tasks and authorities.

"The presence of Forkopimda, West Java Provincial Government, Perhutani, related elements, as well as members of the Bogor Regency DPRD, especially the Lima electoral district area, at this forum is important for us to ensure that the policies we will take are not only unilateral from the executive, but also together with legislative elements, and "all relevant stakeholders," said Asmawa.

According to Asmawa, a solution to the problem in Parung Panjang must be immediately found, whenever and whoever the leader is in Bogor Regency, this problem must be resolved immediately.

"Previously, I tried to map the problems quickly, I visited and looked closely, so I could find out what the main problems were there," he explained.

Asmawa Tosepu explained, firstly, as a short-term solution, we must quickly prepare parking bags for the thousands of trucks there. Asmawa hopes that it can be used no later than the third week of January.

"So whichever can be used, we use it first, don't wait until everything is finished. "I will monitor the progress directly at all times," explained Asmawa.

Second, continued Asmawa, is how we enforce the rules, because at a glance I saw violations occurring there. These include issues regarding mining permits, then violations of truck load capacity, then issues regarding the suitability of vehicles and drivers, and other violations including controlling mining without permits.

"Third, is the matter of the company's obligations in the form of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for society. "We need to encourage this, the important thing is that it is done in accordance with the provisions and can be accounted for," he said.

Asmawa explained that the fourth is the long-term solution, namely the construction of a special mining road. We also have to start accelerating the construction of this mining road. So it doesn't disturb the activities of residents in Parung Panjang.

Then, anticipating that when the mining road is completed, you must also think about the exit, so that traffic jams do not occur due to bottelenecks.

“I have also communicated with Acting. "The Regent of Tangerang will plan to meet to sit down and discuss the problems in Parung Panjang together," explained the Acting. Bogor Regent, Asmawa Tosepu.

Present at the meeting were the Bogor Police Chief, Dandim 0621 Bogor Regency, representatives of the Bogor Regency District Prosecutor's Office, Perum Perhutani, West Java Province ESDM Service, West Java Province PUPR Service, Regional Secretary, Assistant for Economy and Development, heads of regional apparatus, Head of Parung Panjang District , Rumpin sub-district head, Cigudeg sub-district head, Tenjo sub-district head, and the ranks of village heads in the Parung Panjang area.

Editor: (Diskominfo Kab. Bogor/Fauziah Ismi)

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