Acting Bogor Regent Conveys Two Important Things at the Momentum of HPN 2024 and PWI's 78th Anniversary


Saturday, February 10, 2024


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. BOGOR - Acting Bogor Regent Asmawa Tosepu conveyed two things to the ranks of press personnel in Bogor Regency, firstly strengthening the synergy between the Bogor Regency Regional Government (Pemdakab) and the press, secondly supporting increased participation and succession in the 2024 Election.

This was conveyed at the momentum of pilgrimage and flower-laying activities in the context of National Press Day (HPN) 2024 and PWI's 78th anniversary, at the Pondok Rajeg Heroes' Cemetery, Friday (9/2/2024).

Asmawa Tosepu said that in the momentum of the 2024 HPN and PWI's 78th anniversary, there are two important things that must be known, the first is to strengthen synergy and collaboration between the Bogor Regional Government and members of the press.

"We certainly cannot escape the support, assistance and constructive criticism from the press to the Regional Government. "Therefore, this synergistic relationship through the pentahelix concept in the implementation of government is very important for us to play together according to our respective roles and functions," he said.

Asmawa continued, the second point is optimal support, especially education and outreach to the public, especially during the quiet period of the election, not to abstain and to exercise their right to vote. In order to increase election participation and realize the success of the 2024 election as expected.

"We hope that from the press through PWI we will provide information to the public, intelligent information, educate and provide education. "Especially how to provide valid, balanced information that can build and report on the condition of Bogor Regency today," he said.

According to him, today is the last day of the campaign and will enter a quiet period. For this reason, support from the press media is very important to maintain the conduciveness of Bogor Regency. Moreover, Bogor Regency is very close to the capital, meaning that it is not only a buffer area but the success of the democratic party can be seen in Bogor Regency.

Because the number of residents and voters is the largest in all of Indonesia, even the number of voters is the same as in Aceh Province and Bali Province, the media spotlight is definitely on Bogor Regency and it is one of the areas illustrating the success of the democratic party.

"We ask for optimal support from all members of the press, maintain comfort in this calm period and give an invitation to the public. Let's together channel political rights on the day of the election. I ask all media in this quiet period, the media can still provide education and invite people to exercise their right to vote," he said.

Acting The Regent of Bogor also expressed congratulations on HPN 2024 and PWI's 78th anniversary, according to him, age 78 is an increasingly mature age for an organization.

"I understand very well that the role and function of the press is very difficult, because the press must be a middle ground when the government and the public need information. "Hopefully PWI will become more mature and we hope that in the future the Bogor Regency Government and PWI will have greater synergy and collaboration, especially in playing their respective roles and functions," he added.

In the same place, the Chairman of PWI Bogor Regency, Subagio reminded members of the press to always carry out their duties and profession by prioritizing the journalistic code of ethics and the Press Law.

"Don't let us leave that corridor, because those are the norms that we must adhere to and uphold. That we are free does not mean that freedom of the press is absolute or absolute, but that we are free here means that we have integrity, including that we must be responsible to the state, nation, society, both morally and socially. And of course we are ready to support the election succession as hoped by Acting. Bogor Regent and everyone," he said.

Chairman of West Java Regional Coordinator II PWI, Danang Donoroso, said that the pilgrimage and flower-laying activities at the Heroes' Cemetery were carried out to provide fighting spirit to members of the press. So that it will increasingly motivate and become a reference for members of the press in carrying out their duties and functions professionally, especially during the momentum of the 2024 democratic party.

"We are among the fighters in this realm of democracy, as stated in the press law, we are included in the four pillars of democracy. "This is a benchmark for success or failure in the 2024 presidential election," he said. (rdp*)

Editor: rdp

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