Acting Regent of Garut Invites KPPS to Work Professionally


Thursday, January 25, 2024


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - The Garut Regency General Election Commission (KPU) inaugurated 56 thousand members of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) throughout Garut Regency. The inauguration ceremony which was attended by Acting Regent of Garut Barnas Adjidin took place at the Ballroom of the Santika Hotel, Garut Regency, Thursday (25/1/2024).

In his speech, Barnas emphasized the importance of comprehensive preparation, including the readiness of human resources, infrastructure and election logistics, such as ballot papers.

"And it is also necessary to prepare tools that will enable the election to run well," he said.

Barnas said that KPPS has a big and noble task. He invited the KPPS in Garut Regency to work professionally, namely on time, on the right amount and on target so that the election can run well and smoothly.

He also asked that KPPS be able to prevent fraud which would make the implementation of elections unconducive in Garut Regency.

"I am sure that Garut is conducive, I am sure that Garut has morals as stated in its commitment and we are also proud to serve the nation," he said.

He appreciated the Garut Regency KPU and the Garut Regency General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), which had carried out preparations leading up to the election well. He also invited all parties to make the election a success, especially in Garut Regency.

"I want there to be no problems, then for the officials who will monitor and so on to work well so that the voting process runs smoothly, safely, so that we can quickly report the results of the elections held," he said.

Chairman of the Garut Regency KPU, Junaidin Basri, said that the inauguration was followed by a symbolic action of planting trees at the Pasawahan Beekeeping Edutourism, Tarogong Kaler.

"198 (trees planted) so the total is just twice the number of KPPS as a whole. So that means we planted 56 thousand trees in Garut Regency, simultaneously today. This is just one symbol which was attended by the chairman of the KPU," he said.

This tree planting is in order to make people aware of being able to love the environment, where tree planting or reforestation is very important.

"So (this tree planting) is a very important momentum for the KPU, namely providing education to the public in the spirit of tree planting," he said.

After the inauguration, continued Junaidin, the implementation of technical guidance (bimtek) will continue for all KPPS members who have been appointed and will start on January 26 - January 29 2024.

This technical guidance aims to ensure that all KPPS members have the same knowledge regarding collection and counting in the 2024 elections.

He advised KPPS members to be able to serve voters wholeheartedly, whether voters registered in the Permanent Voter List (DPT), Additional Voter List (DPTb), or special voters (DPK). (Diskominfo Garut/UPI)

Editor: Upi

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