Acting Regent of Garut Emphasizes the Importance of High Qualifications in the Disdukcapil Office


Monday, March 25, 2024


Diskominfo Garut


Diskominfo Garut

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - Acting Regent of Garut Barnas Adjidin led a morning assembly at the Population and Civil Registration Service (Disdukcapil) of Garut Regency, Garut Regency, Monday (25/3/2024).

In his speech, Barnas conveyed the importance of Disdukcapil as a vital service related to population administration and civil registration. He emphasized the need for professionalism and high qualifications in carrying out duties in his field.

"We need people who are qualified or professional in their field, so they have information, records, and so on. Of course this has been divided according to the needs of the main duties and functions of the department itself," he said.

"Pajero Innovation" (Jemput ka Rorompok Admin Service) is one example of innovation that has been carried out by the Garut Regency Dukcapil Office to meet population administration needs, with the aim of reaching communities both in urban and rural areas.

Barnas also highlighted the need for effective socialization of KTPs, considering that more and more children have these identity cards.

"Moreover, now I hear that children also have KTPs, so of course there needs to be good socialization as well as public understanding of these resident cards," he said.

Editor: (Diskominfo Garut/UPI)

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