Acting Regent of Garut Reviews Hospital Services Dr. Slamet, Emphasizes the Need for Fast and Professional Service


Monday, January 29, 2024


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - Acting Regent of Garut Barnas Adjidin conducted a direct inspection of services at the Special Organization Unit (UOBK) of the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) dr. Slamet, Garut Regency, Saturday (27/1/2024).

During this visit, Barnas was accompanied by the Head of the Garut Regency Health Service (Dinkes), Dr. Leli Yuliani, as well as the Board of Directors and Structural Officials of UOBK RSUD dr. Slamet.

Barnas emphasized the importance of hospital services as a crucial element in human life. Fast and accurate service must be a priority, besides doctors and medical staff must also be enthusiastic in providing service.

"Likewise, the (community) being served must be happy because they can be served quickly and precisely," he said.

Barnas also assessed that the facilities at RSUD dr. Slamet is quite good, but still needs improvement in several aspects such as a more representative parking area and waiting room.

Barnas expressed the need for additional human resources, especially specialist doctors, to be able to provide the best health services for the people of Garut. However, the plan to add employees must be carried out professionally.

"Hopefully, RSUD dr. "Slamet can provide fast, precise and professional service," he said.

Head of the Garut Regency Health Office, Dr. Leli Yuliani stated, based on the direction of the Acting Regent, hospitals need to improve services ranging from representative parking facilities to checking other supporting facilities.

"We will soon hold a meeting to follow up on this direction, with several plans targeted for 2025-2026," he said (Diskominfo Garut/UPI)

Editor: Upi

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