Acting Governor Bey Mahmudin Promotes Industrial Tourism at the 38th West Java MTQ


Friday, May 3, 2024


Diskominfo Kab. Bekasi


Diskominfo Kab. Bekasi

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. BEKASI - Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin said that the difference in implementing the 38th West Java Musabaqoh Tilawatil Qur'an (MTQ) this year lies in the encouragement of industrial tourism promotion programs, as one of the biggest potentials in Bekasi Regency.

Bey hopes that the synergy of holding MTQ with industrial promotion can help improve the economy of Bekasi Regency.

"We know that this is an industrial city and it is running well, so MTQ will also run well, benefiting the community," said Bey.

He said, apart from introducing local culture, this MTQ also provided a special space to promote industrial tourism.

"MTQ participants are welcome to enjoy industrial tourism in Bekasi Regency during the competition. "While we're in Bekasi," he explained.

He also appreciated that the implementation of the West Java MTQ in Bekasi Regency was the busiest and best. Bey hopes that this excitement will continue until the end.

"This is the best event, the busiest, there are lots of participants. Of course, not only the opening but also until the closing it will be busy and beneficial for the community, because we hope that unity and unity will be maintained so that this event will run well," he said.

Acting Regent of Bekasi Dani Ramdan conveyed a similar thing. According to him, what is different about this year's 38th MTQ is that industrial tourism for participants is provided free of charge as well as promoting our tourism to other areas in West Java.

"Because not many have industrial tourism, whereas Bekasi Regency is the largest area. So during the MTQ, all participants can enjoy industrial tourism for free," he said.

Dani added that holding the 38th West Java MTQ in Bekasi Regency would also have an impact on economic improvement which would be directly felt by the community.

"Including full hotels, then catering, car rental and we also open the MSME Bazaar and of course at every point in the competition there are participants who shop, which results in regional income," he said.

Elsewhere, Head of the Bekasi Regency Tourism Office, Iyan Priatna, said that to support the 38th MTQ, his party was providing factory visits to factories in Bekasi Regency.

"Because time is short, there will be visits to factories, two food factories and one manufacturing factory. "Everything is free, we provide the buses, participants just have to register with their respective caravan groups or are welcome to contact their respective LOs at the hotel," he explained.

For the first time, he said he would depart on Thursday (2/5/2024) with a route from the Nurul Hikmah Grand Mosque Shelter, Bekasi Regency Government Plaza.

“Go up from the front of the mosque and return to the original place. Several districts and cities have already registered with us. Although it must be registered first with the factory. "After that, we will take him," he explained.

He said, with the presence of Industrial Tourism at the 38th West Java MTQ event, it is hoped that visitors from 27 districts/cities in West Java can spread information about industrial tourism in Bekasi Regency.

"This is branding that Bekasi Regency has industrial tourism. "It is hoped that after the MTQ is completed there will be a multiplier effect and visits by schools in West Java to Bekasi Regency," he said. (Diskominfo, Bekasi/Revo Regency)

Editor: Revo

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