PMI Bogor Regency Holds PMI Fundraising Month 2024, Real Evidence of Caring and Supporting Humanity


Friday, October 25, 2024


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor

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PORTALJABAR, BOGOR REGENCY - The Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) of Bogor Regency is again holding the 2024 PMI Fundraising Month, which aims to raise funds to support various humanitarian activities, such as disaster relief, health services, and blood supply, which took place in the Multipurpose Room I of the Regional Secretariat, Thursday (10/24/2024).

Acting Bogor Regent Bachril Bakri said that PMI is one of the government's supporters in humanitarian activities.

The PMI organization was formed in order to move in the fields of social, humanitarian, health, rescue and disaster and community welfare including blood transfusion services which are very important regarding human life and human life.

"PMI's role in helping the government and humanity is very important. Of course, I fully support this activity. I also want to remind you that in its financial management, it must be very skilled, transparent so that it can be accounted for. I invite all parties to actively participate in PMI's Month of Funds because everything we donate will be very meaningful for those in need," said the Acting Regent of Bogor.

Furthermore, the Advisory Board of PMI Bogor Regency Nurhayanti said that PMI is always engaged in humanitarian activities to support, prevent and overcome disaster risks through socialization, direct action and handling in the field, blood donation and others.

"Thank you to the Acting Regent of Bogor and all parties who have supported the launch of this PMI Funding Month and so that until now we are still moving for humanitarian tasks," he said.

In the same place, the Head of PMI Fundraising Month, Bambang Widodo Tawekal, said that the implementation of PMI Fundraising Month aims to collect and gather donations from the community, agencies and institutions for humanitarian service programs and the Red Cross and this will foster a sense of concern for the suffering of others and synergize and collaborate for humanity.

"This activity is social for humanity, therefore on this occasion we invite all present here to have fun, later invite all fellow human beings to collect funds which God willing in turn the funds will be used for Red Cross activities and of course the most important thing is to support humanity especially for the people of Bogor Regency," Bambang Widodo Tawekal concluded. (Public Communication Team / Bogor Regency Communication and Information Service / Revo)

Editor: Revo

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