In the initial draft of the 2025 RKPD, the Bandung City Government focuses on handling these four issues


Wednesday, February 28, 2024


Diskominfo Kota Bandung


Diskominfo Kota Bandung

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The Bandung City Government (Pemkot) highlighted four strategic issues in the initial draft of the 2025 Regional Development Work Plan (RKPD). This emerged in the Public Consultation on the Preliminary Draft of the 2025 Bandung City RKPD, Tuesday (27/2/2024).

These four issues include improving the quality and competitiveness of human resources, improving government governance that is serving, effective, efficient and clean, increasing economic growth and equality, as well as increasing the comfort and livability of cities.

The Acting Mayor of Bandung, Bambang Tirtoyuliono, called this activity a strategic forum, because the Bandung City Government together with the Bandung City Forkopimda, community elements, universities, the business world and other levels of community representation sat together to improve the initial design of the foundation for the development of the City of Bandung.

"The four missions are explained transparently and in a pentahelix manner," he said.

Bambang hopes that this public consultation can be transparent and accountable and produce an implementable development plan.

"We have hope that this public consultation can make the implementation of the program much more optimal," he said.

In a presentation delivered by the Bandung City Regional Secretary, Ema Sumarna, the Bandung City Government is targeting growth in a number of aspects by 2025 with the following details:

Human Growth Index (HDI): 83.80.
Economic Growth: 6.29.
Poverty: 3.84.
Unemployment: 8.49.
Gini Ratio: 0.445.

Member of Commission D of the Bandung City DPRD, Salmiah Rambe, said that this forum is a process that involves various stakeholder elements in order to improve social welfare. So that the results can reach certain outputs in the RPJPD, RPJMD, or RKPD.

"This is a manifestation of the regional government's commitment to involve all elements in development," he said.

Salmiah also said that every voice and view is a valuable part that can have a positive impact on the entire community.

He also highlighted collaboration between government and society as an important aspect in producing sustainable, inclusive and competitive regional development plans.

"Let's evaluate, discuss and improve the initial draft of the 2025 Bandung City RKPD so that it can meet community needs more effectively and inclusively," he said. (rdp*)

Editor: rdp

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