PORTALJABAR, BOGOR REGENCY - Bogor Regent, Rudy Susmanto appreciates Cibinong Regional Hospital which continues to improve health services to the community.
One of them is the AkuQuit Clinic, an innovative program specifically designed to help smokers quit effectively.
The inauguration of this service took place on Wednesday (12/3/2025) at the National Pulmonary and Respiratory Update Webinar.
AkuQuit Clinic services combine various medical approaches and complementary therapies, such as acupuncture, psychology, physiotherapy, and pharmacy, to provide a more comprehensive solution for those who want to break free from nicotine dependence.
Meanwhile, the National Pulmonary and Respiratory Update Webinar was attended by 290 participants from various regions in Indonesia.
This event presents a number of expert speakers in the field of pulmonology, including dr. Masdi, Sp.P, FISR; dr. Hermawan Setiyanto, Sp.P, FISR; and dr. Astrid Arsianti, Sp.P.
Rudy Susmanto emphasized the importance of innovative, scientific and technology-based health services to improve people's quality of life.
"Talking about health means talking about human resources. The best investment today is investment in human resources. Because improving the quality of human resources will determine our progress and competitiveness in the future," said Rudy.
According to him, improving human resources, especially in the health sector, is a development priority in Bogor Regency for the next five years.
Support is needed from various aspects, including innovative and technology-based health facilities.
The Regent of Bogor gave his appreciation to the staff of Cibinong Regional Hospital.
He hopes that the presence of the AkuQuit Clinic can be an effective solution in helping people stop smoking and improve their quality of life. (Diskominfo Kab. Bogor/Fauziah)