PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Throughout 2023, the Bandung City PKL Special Task Force (Satgasus) succeeded in organizing and relocating 1,036 Street Vendors (PKL) in 23 locations. This was illustrated at the 2023 PKL Implementation Evaluation Meeting at the Grandia Hotel, Bandung City, Tuesday (5/11/2023)
Head of the Bandung City KUMKM Service as Secretary of the PKL Task Force Atet Dedi Handiman said that during 2023 his party had relocated and arranged 23 locations. These include the arrangement of street vendors on Jalan Prof Kyekman, the relocation and arrangement of 23 street vendors. Furthermore, Jalan Ganesa street vendors relocated 101 street vendors from Jalan Ganesa to Jalan Gelap Nyawang.
Atet continued, the arrangement of PKLs in the Tegalega area included 547 PKLs in the park pavement area, 18 PKLs on Sumatra Street, 19 PKLs arrangement and relocation of Kings Shoping Center basement PKLs and 35 PKLs of Tamansari Food & Fest sales places and arrangement of Basement PKLs. The square has 140 street vendors.
Atet added, controlling 38 street vendors on Jalan Cijagra and controlling street vendors on Jl. Suryani as many as 44 traders. Apart from that, there is also the reactivation of the Cihampelas Terrace.
Along the way, continued Atet, there were obstacles faced by the PKL Task Force, such as there were still many PKLs selling in the red zone, limited places for PKL relocation, and the presence of PKLs who had non-Bandung city ID cards.
"Apart from that, there are street vendors who are still selling not in accordance with the provisions, then there are street vendors who change the form of selling facilities at the arrangement location. Then, there is the practice of buying and selling and renting stalls and thuggery practices," said Atet.
He hopes that this activity can produce an evaluation of the Task Force's activities for the current year.
"Knowing the extent of the Task Force's program activities and knowing the extent of its effectiveness, obstacles and follow-up strategies," he said.
Responding to this, the Regional Secretary of Bandung City as Chair of the PKL Task Force, Ema Sumarna, said that the key to success in organizing and coaching PKL is commitment and consistency.
"I want to invite the Task Force to make a strong joint commitment to the arrangement and development of street vendors," he said.
In his direction, he asked all elements in the Task Force to go into the field and routinely record the whereabouts of street vendors. He said the success of the Task Force was when the number of street vendors continued to decrease.
"The most important thing is consistency, carry out painstaking coaching and supervision, this will be successful. Go around the field a lot so that problems are inventoried," he said.
"The sub-district head and sub-district head report all the time through the Task Force how many street vendors in their area are decreasing or increasing. If validation of this data is not carried out then we will not know how far we have succeeded," he said.
Ema also emphasized that street vendors cannot operate in red zone areas where sales are prohibited in certain areas.
"Red zone street vendors are not meant to be regulated but controlled and enforced by law," he said.
He highlighted several locations where there are still street vendor problems, including in Cilaki-Taman Cibeunying, Cikutra Tumpah Market, Dipatiukur Unpad, Kosambi, Burangrang, Lengkong Kecil, Istiqomah Mosque, Monju, Kiaracondong Tumpah Market, Kiaracondong Samsat Tumpah Market, Simple Tumpah Market, Tumpah Market Sudirman, Tumpah Simpang Dago Market, Sukajadi, Ujungberung, and Unpad Pool Damri.
On the other hand, Ema appreciated the street vendors in Bandung City who already have the awareness to relocate their merchandise to zones where selling activities are permitted.
"I also appreciate the street vendors who want to be disciplined and fostered. They realize that and in the red zone there are no things that can cause conflict. "Well, we must continue to develop this kind of pattern," he said. (Diskominfo Bandung City/UPI)