West Java Regional Secretary Opens Public Consultation Forum for 2025-2029 RPJMD


Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Rilis Humas Jabar


Rilis Humas Jabar

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The West Java Provincial Government held a Public Consultation Forum in order to prepare the Initial Draft of the 2025-2029 Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD).

The forum, which was opened by the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of West Java, Herman Suryatman, at the West Java Bappeda Office, Bandung City, Tuesday (18/3/2025), was attended by the Heads of Bappeda from regencies/cities throughout West Java and representatives of the West Java Provincial DPRD, both in person and online.

In his speech, Herman emphasized that the preparation of the RPJMD must be based on four main analytical tools, namely historical, legal, sociological, and strategic aspects. These four aspects are a guide in formulating development policies for the next five years to make West Java the leading province in Indonesia.

Herman said the RPJMD must be based on applicable laws, including Law Number 59 of 2024 concerning the RPJPN and Regional Regulation Number 13 of 2024 concerning the West Java RPJPD.

"We are a country of law. The RPJMD must be oriented towards welfare and prosperity," he explained.

The West Java Provincial Government has initiated a budget shift mechanism for infrastructure, education, health, and electrification so that the benefits can be felt quickly by the community.

He also emphasized that the 2025-2029 RPJMD must be able to improve community welfare and overcome various social challenges in West Java.

"RPJMD 2025-2029 is designed to answer various social challenges with concrete programs that have a direct impact on the people of West Java," he said.

In an effort to improve welfare, the West Java Provincial Government has allocated a budget through various programs that support education, health, and community economic empowerment.

In addition, Herman referred to McKinsey's projection that Indonesia will become a developed country in 2045, occupying the fourth position in the world after China, India, and the United States. Currently, Indonesia's GDP has reached IDR 1.4 trillion, while West Java's GRDP is at IDR 2,600 trillion.

"In 2045, Indonesia is projected to reach a GDP of $18 trillion, with a per capita income above $12,000. West Java must be the main driver in realizing the vision of Golden Indonesia," he explained.

He emphasized that West Java must become the most advanced province in the midst of developed countries.

"RPJMD 2025-2029 must be a strategic and realistic guide to realize West Java as the leading province in Indonesia," he said.

West Java has a long history as one of the oldest provinces in Indonesia. Herman reminded that the province was established on August 19, 1945, just two days after Indonesia's independence.

"This province has an extraordinary history. We must make it a spirit to continue to progress and develop," he stressed.

He also quoted the Sundanese philosophy, cadu kembali pantang mulang mun pengertian teu acan laksana, which means never give up before the goal is achieved.

"Sundanese highly value honor. This principle must be the spirit of the RPJMD," he said.

Editor: Rep Teguh

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