PORTALJABAR, BOGOR CITY - The Bogor City Government (Pemkot) conducted a review of the construction of Sukasari Market, Friday (7/3/2025).
Based on the results of the review, Sukasari Market will most likely not be completed according to target by the end of March 2025. This was stated by Bogor Mayor Dedie A. Rachim.
"Frankly, after I reviewed it, it seems it cannot be completed by the end of March, unless the developer accelerates by increasing the number of employees," he said.
According to Dedie, accelerating the completion of the revitalization of Sukasari Market or Gembrong Market is important because it is related to the relocation of traders from Bogor Market or Plaza Bogor which will be closed.
In addition, he also highlighted the moment after Eid as the peak of traders' activities, so delays will impact their operations.
"Usually, the peak of traders' activity is on the night of takbiran, then they go home and come back after one or two weeks. If the revitalization is not finished, how can we relocate the Bogor Market traders? That's why I asked to try to accelerate it. If there is no acceleration, then frankly I am pessimistic," he said.
He also emphasized that there will be consequences received by developers in the form of fines if the project is not completed on time. These fines or consequences are in accordance with those in the agreement that has been agreed with the developer.
"So the choice is to pay a fine or accelerate, both cost money," he said.
Site Manager CV. Purnabri (Developer) Alby Satria Fajar said that his party experienced obstacles that caused delays in the revitalization work. The obstacles were caused by changes in the Cost Budget Plan (RAB) due to adjustments to parking facilities.
"The land available from Perumda Pasar is not enough for parking. According to the rules, there must be adequate parking facilities, so we have to add parking in the second basement, which automatically adds to the work and processing time," he said.
Currently, Alby continued, the construction progress has reached 91 percent. He emphasized that his party will accelerate by adding workers and working hours so that the project can be completed on time in order to
avoid fines and other consequences.
"The Sukasari Market revitalization project began in September 2023 with a total of 640 kiosks and stalls. The basement 1 floor will be allocated for night market traders selling wet goods, while the ground floor will be filled with textile, gold, salon, and other traders. Meanwhile, the upper floor will focus on culinary and children's entertainment rides," he said.