Successfully Implementing SPBE, Bogor District Government Wins Digital Government Award from Kemenpan RB


Monday, May 27, 2024


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. BOGOR - The Bogor Regency Regional Government (Pemdakab) has succeeded in winning the Digital Government Award (Digital Government Award) from the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia (KemenPAN-RB) after successfully implementing a digital-based government system through an electronic-based government system (SPBE). , which took place at the State Palace, Jakarta, Monday (27/5/2024).

At the Digital Government Award & Launch of the Integrated Govtech Platform with the name "INA Digital", Bogor Regency was also invited to attend because it was one of the 58 regencies that succeeded in increasing the 2023 SPBE index the highest in Indonesia.

This award was given as a form of strengthening the direction of the National Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) policy, as directed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia in an internal cabinet meeting on March 25 2024 regarding the Acceleration of National Digital Transformation and Services in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2023.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo said, Government Technology is the government's effort to accelerate digital transformation as a public service toll road, integrated government digital service ecosystem with the principle that the government is present where and whenever the public needs it. Not just present but able to provide fast, easy and low cost service.

According to him, the presence of bureaucracy should serve, not complicate things and not slow things down. The benchmarks for the success of a good bureaucracy are community satisfaction, benefits received by the community and ease of community affairs.

"We have to strengthen our digital public infrastructure, a kind of toll road to digitize our country's public services. We also have to strengthen our Govtech transformation, an integrated portal which we call INA Digital, where there are education services, health services, business permit services, there is taxation, and so on," he said.

It should be noted that regarding the implementation of SPBE in Bogor Regency, in terms of planning and budgeting, following the direction of the central government through SIPD RI has been implemented. There are also several other applications that have also been jointly coordinated by the Communications and Information Service, including services for using the Digital Identity Identity (IKD).

Acting Regent of Bogor Asmawa Tosepu said that the government today launched INA Digital as part of the acceleration of digital transformation in Indonesia, especially the digital transformation of government.

He said that the Bogor Regional Government was invited as one whose SPBE index value was in a very high position or 3.7 out of 4, meaning it was leading to Plenary.

"Thank God, of course the awards given by the government or the assessments that have been carried out by all OPDs within the Bogor Regency government are an encouragement and challenge to improve even further," he said.

Asmawa said, based on the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, that there should no longer be any creation of new applications, but instead optimizing the use of existing applications and built with the principles of integration and interoperability, meaning that what is there is used together, then sharing data or data sharing, so there is no more ego centricity.

Asmawa said, sectoral egos are abandoned, which are old patterns, whose basis is only projects, so that must be abandoned. Through Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2023, the acceleration of government digital transformation has been launched today and will begin to be implemented in September 2024.

"Of course, we, the Bogor Regency Government, will continue to implement national policies. We hope that in the future, the implementation of SPBE in Bogor Regency can be implemented consistently to encourage the acceleration of the government's digital transformation," he said.

PAN-RB Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas explained that with digital services the government is focused on the needs of the community and not focused on agency divides or government-centric.

"Today's event is a form of the government's commitment to digital transformation where we will avoid various new applications and meetings with the central government, regional governments, BUMN, universities and other state representatives," he said.

He also added, with the formation of GovTech and a focus on developing strategic systems such as digital public infrastructure, we can jump further in achieving digital development compared to normal development without this decision. Continuous strengthening of Govtec Indonesia and strengthening institutional governance related to coordinating digital transformation.

"Hopefully the digital transformation program carried out can have a real impact and benefit for the wider community and play an important role in supporting the achievement of national development," he said.

Editor: (Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor/UPI)

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