PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - Acting Regent of Garut Barnas Adjidin attended the Garut Regency DPRD Plenary Meeting which took place in the DPRD Plenary Meeting Room, Jalan Patriot, Tarogong Kidul, on Monday (30/9/2024).
The event was held in order to take the oath of office of the Garut Regency DPRD Leadership for the 2024-2029 term.
The oath-taking took place solemnly, guided by the Head of the Garut District Court, Sinta Gaberia Pasaribu, witnessed by all members of the DPRD, civil servants, Forkompinda and other invitees.
The leaders of the Garut Regency DPRD for the 2024-2029 period who were inaugurated were:
1. Aris Munandar, S.Pd.: Chairman of the DPRD:
2. HS Fahmi, S.IP. : Deputy Chairman of the DPRD:
3. Dila Nurul Fadilah, SE: Deputy Chairperson of the DPRD:
4. Ayi Suryana, SE: Deputy Chairman of the DPRD:
Starting with congratulating the newly inaugurated DPRD leaders, Barnas Adjidin in his speech, hoped that they would be able to carry out their mandate well and strengthen their commitment to serving the nation and state, as well as strengthening the partnership between the executive and legislative for the welfare of the Garut community.
"Of course, there are also great hopes for all Garut residents regarding the importance of strengthening performance and partnership relations between the executive and legislative branches, which we currently view as good and will be even better in the future," said Barnas Adjidin.
Barnas also wants the DPRD and the Garut Regency Regional Government as elements of the regional government administration to be able to establish harmony and make various efforts to meet the expectations of the community.
He also thanked the interim leaders of the DPRD, Iman Alirahman and Subhan Fahmi, for their leadership during the transition period.
"He has been able to lead the implementation of DPRD tasks during the transition period very well so that we can complete several regional government agendas, including delivering the discussion process for the Revised RAPBD for Fiscal Year 2024," he said.
The Chairman of the Garut Regency DPRD for the 2024-2029 period, Aris Munandar, in his inaugural speech stated that the swearing-in of the DPRD leadership was a political process that must be carried out in accordance with applicable provisions. This oath-taking is not just a ceremony, but must be interpreted as a sincere reflection and the readiness of the Garut Regency DPRD in facing future challenges in carrying out its duties and functions.
Aris emphasized the importance of adapting to the applicable provisions and regulations so that the DPRD can carry out its duties and functions properly.
"As new leaders and members of the DPRD, we need to adapt as soon as possible by learning how the provisions of the laws and regulations and DPRD rules of procedure serve as guidelines in carrying out daily tasks for leaders and members of the DPRD," he explained.
Aris is committed that every member of the DPRD must be able to carry out their duties and functions as elements of the regional government administration, including overseeing regional development and supervising the development of Garut Regency in improving the welfare of its people.
He added that members of the DPRD and regional heads and deputy regional heads have something in common, namely being directly elected by the people. Therefore, Aris continued, it is only right that members of the DPRD and regional heads and deputy regional heads serve and improve development and public services for the community.
"I invite all members of the Garut Regency DPRD, the local government and the entire community to join hands together, close ranks to answer the needs and hopes of the Garut community to be safer, more cultured, prosperous and highly competitive," he said. (Garut Communication and Information Service /Revo)