PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. BOGOR - The Regional Government of Bogor Regency, through the Bojong Community Health Center, Klapanunggal District, launched an Innovation to Reduce Maternal and Infant Mortality Rates (AKI-AKB) by Monitoring Pregnant Women Resti (TANGKAI MELATI).
Head of the Bojong Community Health Center, Norlia Resihani, explained that the launch of the Melati Stalk innovation aims to detect pregnant pregnant women early and comprehensively monitor them.
"With early detection and appropriate monitoring, it is hoped that it can help prevent complications and death in pregnant women and babies," he said.
According to him, posyandu activities in every village in the Bojong Community Health Center area will be used to detect pregnant pregnant women early. Pregnant women who are detected to be at high risk will be referred to a pregnancy class or visited by a health worker.
Furthermore, the pregnant women's class will provide education to pregnant women about risky pregnancies, childbirth, postpartum, and early detection of emergencies. This class will be held online and offline.
Pregnant women's visits will be carried out by health workers to monitor the condition of pregnant women and provide more personalized education.
He also hopes that the TANGKAI MELATI Innovation can help reduce maternal and infant mortality rates in the Bojong Community Health Center area and Bogor Regency as a whole.
"We are committed to improving the quality of public health in the Bojong Community Health Center area. Through the TANGKAI MELATI innovation, this is one of our efforts to achieve this goal," he explained.
According to him, the TANGKAI MELATI innovation is a real example of the Bojong Community Health Center's commitment to improving the quality of public health.
"It is hoped that this innovation can be an inspiration for other community health centers in Indonesia to develop similar programs," he said. (Diskominfo Bogor Regency/Revo)